About 18 months ago, in a time when the sun shone and it was hot!!! (a long long time ago), mum bought some sandals on sale. Now she never got to wear them, as the sun disapeared and once she got them home she realised they were a bit small for her. So in the great shoe clearout of 2009, she photographed them and listed them on trademe (NZs own version of Ebay).
Til last night, when some observant soul noticed that they were two left sandals. Mum hadn't noticed, she was very embarassed, and annoyed that she had recyled the box they came in last week, and she didn't have a receipt.
Anyone with two left feet, that would like some pretty red sandals? Anyone with one left foot who would like two free sandals for the summer?
Luckily I don't wear shoes. That will teach her for not checking in the box, before she left the store. Lesson learnt.