This is a picture of me enjoying my favourite thing in the world - my scarf.
In this picture you can see how we sleep. Mum has the patterned pillow and mine is the one with the polar fleece cover right next to it.
So after mum letting me have a week in the lounge when I came home, she then let me explore the hallway and her bedroom. I was only 10 weeks old and the first thing I did after running in and out and smelling the hallway - was find my scarf. It was hanging on on my mums coat rack. I dragged it down and pulled it around. Then I dragged it up on my bed.
Now before I go to sleep and if I want to relax I start pulling and suckling on my scarf. My mum thinks it makes me remember my real cat mum. I close my eyes and relax and I sure do love it!!
Just in case of emergencies I have a spare scarf stashed in my cat igloo. It is the same except it is green. I stole that one from mums scarf rack as well.
My mum had to go and buy herself another scarf for this winter. She says its real expensive and keeps it hidden from me.
Poppy Q