Thursday, September 25, 2008

I helped - a little bit

Last weekend, the weed pile was this big.

Today it grew a bit more.

Hi!! This is me snoopervising in the sun. Hope you all had a nice day.

This is the big pile of weeds, in front of the last of the vines/bush/triffids that mum wants to cut away. She is thinking that she will have to pay someone to come and take all the weeds away next week.

Thanks for all the encouragement and kind words, as we do our garden adventures.


  1. WHOA. Cover that belleh! There are boycats looking at this here blog!!!

  2. Take no notice of Monty. You leave that belly just as it is. Mmmmmrrrrroooowwww.

  3. That is a lot of weeds :-0

    You are very cute in that picture, Poppy Q :-D

  4. What a great belly shot! You look marvelous!

  5. Oh My Goodness you look so adorable sunbathing on your back--quick someone rub Poppy Q's Tummy!

  6. Poppy Q, I hope you were properly compensated for your hard work!

  7. You look so cute snoopervising ...Hugs Ariel

  8. Toasted tum alert!

    The Rude Dude better not be spying.

    Purrs Shade and Goldie

  9. Wow that looks like hard work! I hope you can help plant something pretty and leafy there too, looks like a very nice garden with the right plants.

    Gorgeous tummy, as always!

  10. That is a supercute picture of you enjoying the sunshines! Mommie wants to rub your belly. Your Mum certainly has been busy in the garden. She must be pooped.

  11. You are the Martha Stewart of the cat world.

  12. That is a lot of weeds. Your Mom has been very busy. You do a great job of snoopervising.

  13. It must be hard work snoopervising, Poppy Q. And back-breaking for ur mommie with those weeds.
    We hopes you have a restful weekend and more belly pictures pls! tee hee

  14. You are both working very hard! Your floofy belly is the cutest, Poppy Q!

  15. You have really done a lot of hard work, Poppy! We hope your mom was a help to you. She wasn't drinking tea while you labored, was she? Okay, then we'll give her an E for Effort.
