Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Boring Day

Not up to much today, mum was at work, I was sleeping, she came home and fed me, I went outside for a while.


  1. That's life Poppy Q !
    Very tough for us , We ate, We sleep, We went out and then we bored...I feel that way some time. But when I concern my mom as a toy. And I do jump on her and run.. I found that released my boredom...Try Poppy Q.
    It might help : )

  2. That about sums up most of our days, too, Poppy! Except these days we have a handyman who keeps coming in and out and that excites Nicki but scares the beejeepes out of Derry, so that he hides under the bed for ages. :-P

    Hmm, maybe "boring" is better!

    -Fuzzy Tales

  3. That is about it here, too. But it is still good.

  4. Awwww Poppy! Although it sounds a bit like our everyday life!

  5. We know how you feel. Nothing exciting here either!

  6. aww didn't yea feel sorry for your mum that she had to work? It was such a beautiful day - hope you enjoyed the sun

    Love Leanne

  7. Poppy, you look like you are going to cause trouble if you don't get come excitement soon!

  8. Aww sounds like a normal mum working day, no fun but needed for the cash. I know how you feel.. hugs GJ xx

  9. Hi Poppy! Oh we have been away for so long -we missed seeing you! We are sorry you are having a boring day today - but we think you look cute, even if you are a bit bored. We have days like that too - eventually something fun comes along so don't worry it won't be boring for too long!

  10. Sounds like a pretty typical day, Poppy!

  11. No one flinging bricks from rooftops today, sweet girl? Maybe a boring day isn't so bad.
