Saturday, September 7, 2019


Mum enjoyed a leisurely sleep in this morning and I encouraged her by asking for 2 cuddles.  She had a couple of jobs to do in town so she enjoyed a walk in the sun.  It was a bit chilly at 8degrees C.  I stayed in the house soaking in a sunbeam through the window.

Mum came home and did some exciting jobs like washing, scrubbing the toilet and doing the dishes before going to work all evening.

The best part of the weekend is that mum has Monday and Tuesday as her days off.  Rain is forecast but mum will be pleased - she can stay inside and read and cuddle with me..


  1. Ah! Bless! You look lovely soaking up the
    sunbeams Poppy!x
    And..Mum has two days off next week..that
    sounds great, spend time together..
    Oh! And tell Mum..Next Friday over here
    is the release of the film..Downton Abbey:-
    The Movie...I seemed to remember Mum watching
    the TV now the film will be out, so
    it should'nt be to long before you get it over
    Perhaps Mum would like to see the trailer...

  2. It sounds like it's a good day for both you and your mum, Poppy.
