Saturday, August 14, 2021


 Mum did a couple of loads of washing.  She hung them inside, then hung them outside then back inside again.  I watched her and then went back to snoozing again.


  1. I have no idea why but that little blog from you sweet Pops made me think of the Owl and the Pussy cat went to sea. I think you and mum need a break going off to sea in a pea green boat. 🤣

  2. Certainly must have been a mixed up weather day since your mum had to take laundry out and then in again. Glad you slept through most of it Poppy.

  3. You look so comfortable. I hope the laundry got dry.

  4. Goodness, watching your mum hang and re-hang the laundry would have been SO exhausting for you! No wonder you needed a nap, Poppy.

    P.S. Tell your mum that the biped found the Adult 11+ food and is giving it a try; thanks!

  5. We bet your mum was appreciative that you watched over her like that, Poppy.
