Thursday, August 19, 2021


 Well we're in a little lockdown here in NZ.  We watched the world's media mock us for locking down after finding one community case, we get it.  But you see by the next day it was 10 cases and today 21.  So we sense this will last longer than the 3 days we are starting with.

Mum regretted that Monday she was too tired to go to the supermarket, Tuesday it was too wet and Wednesday she planned to go after work, but the supermarket shut early.  She went today after work and it wasn't  too bad.  No lines, straight in.  She didn't need toilet paper but was a bit low on the feast.  She got fresh fruit, veg, meat and bread, and a bunch if fancy feast tins.  Crisis averted.


  1. In Victoria we have spent 200 days in lockdown
    Not all at once but in total over the last 18 months
    Compared to the rest of the world our numbers are low but we don’t want to get to the huge numbers so until more people are vaccinated lockdowns will continue

  2. It's much better to take precautions tend to let things get as bad as they are here again. But I certainly am glad to see that your mum was able to bring home some feast for the both of you.

  3. oh mi cod!!! so glad yoo gotz more feest

  4. poppy q.....sorree yur in lock down de rate itz goin heer in de statez we prob ablee will bee all sew ~~~~ glad mum waz abe bull ta get ewe yur feest ~~~~~ ☺☺♥♥

  5. I admire your country and Australia for taking charge and doing what needs to be done. In the US we whine if we have to wear a mask, social distance and get vaccinated. Can't fix stupid! Our numbers prove our way is not working at all. Stay safe

  6. I live in the land of stupid and death DeSantis, so I very much admire your government for doing what must be done. I hope you and Mum enjoy your feasts.

  7. Glad she got the Feast little Pops ... its all about priorities 😉😊

  8. We are having trouble finding some of our cat's favorite foods here... and there's even a shortage of toys on shelves! (my mom is also having trouble finding her cats' favorites and she's the one who was shopping for a great-grandon's birthday... and is now worried about her Christmas shopping!!!--even though she's 87 she's still shopping once or twice a week....)

  9. I'm glad you're stocked up! Paws crossed that this lockdown is able to slow things down very soon, and I think your country was smart to do it when it did.

  10. Your country is very smart! My mum stocks up when she shops just in case...

  11. To heck with the world. New Zealand has had one of the planet's best responses to covid-19. People mocked Noah, too.
