Thursday, October 25, 2007

Happy Purthday Mum!!!

When I woked up this morning, I had to snuggle next to my mum and say happy purrthday mum!!! I would love to make you a big cake, like the one below, but as my thumbs don't work you are out of luck (it would have to be big to fit all the candles on that you need!!).

Mum was very lucky as she got some beautiful summer flowers from D& S. Her brother, sister in law and Belle &Bud gave her a cool book voucher. Mums going to buy a great cookbook that she has been looking at, in the shop forever.

Her awesome friends have all rung her and she is catching up with them at the weekend. Best of all she thinks is her wee friend T who is three years old. He rung her up at 8.30 am and sung Happy Birthday to her on the phone, all by himself. How clever is that!! We love you A&P and T& F.

This is what I got my mum for her purrthday. It came all wrapped up in a special paper that is made out of old wallpaper (aren't beans funny).

Inside was this pretty necklace. It is made out of old buttons and made by some local ladies. Mum has a few - but she loved my choice of summer ocean colours.

Mum put it straight on after I gived it to her. It is her new summer favourite. It is a lovely spring day here, so mum went for a walk beside the seaside. She bought me some ham, yuuuuuummmy (that is why I was drooling yesterday).

Happy Purrthday mum.

Poppy Q


  1. Oh Poppy! Please wich your Mommy a very Happy Birthday from me! It sounds as if she had a wonderful day!

    Happy Birthday to your Mommy!
    Happy Birthday to your Mommy!
    Happy Birthday to your Mommy!
    Happy Birthday to your Mommy!
    Happy Birthday to her!
    Smooches from O Hi O!

  2. Poppy, please wish your Mommy a very happy birthday from me and my Mom.

    Happy Birthday to Mommy Q,
    Happy Birthday to Mommy Q,
    Happy Birthday dear Mommy Q,
    Happy Birthday to Mommy Q!

    Hugs, and smoochies from New Hampster USA!

  3. Happy Birfday to yoor mom! Sounds like she is haffing a good time...

  4. Hippo bird day
    Two ewes
    Hippo bird day
    Two ewes!
    We hope your day was full of fun!


    ::purrs and headbumps::

  6. Happy Purrthday!!!!!!

  7. Happy Purrday to your Mommy! We hopes she has a beautiful day and gets lots of purrs and nosekisses from you.


  8. Happy Purrthday to Poppy's Mommy! That is a really pretty necklace that you got for her Poppy. Such pretty colors!!


    What a great present you got your mum!

  10. You are so adorable in the photo :-)

    Happy Birthday to your Mum, and many more :-)

  11. Loud purrs and lots of head licks coming to your mum from me! Happy purrthday Poppy's mum!

  12. Happy birthday to your Mum! That is a very beautiful necklace you gaved to her. My Mommie's birthday is in just four days from now. But I did not get her anything. Uh oh.

  13. Happy Birthday to Poppy's mom!

    What a sweetie Poppy was to give you a button necklace without taking it apart first to play with the parts. We'll have to remember that when Jan's birthday rolls around again - don't disassemble or eat the gift!

    Jan's Funny Farm residents

  14. A happy belated birthday to you and to your mother. Our sysytem's down, so we haven't been able to post as often. We'er catching up and will be in touch.

  15. Happy Birthday to your Mum! It sounds like she is having a wonderful day so far. I really like the present you bought for her, it is so pretty.

    I was wondering why you were drooling yesterday, ham - that explains it.

  16. Lovely birthday, lovely necklace, lovely (drooling) ham. FAZ

  17. Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy Purthday to Poppy Q's Mom!! And many, many moooooore!!! Have a nice day and we love the necklace Poppy got you. Sounds like you have a lot of nice friends to help you celebrate!
    Your FL furiends,

  18. Happy Birthday Mum!

  19. happy birthday to your mum! i hope she had a lovely day with lots of cake and more presents! beans like those things. i love that picture of you too x

  20. Happy Birfday Poppy's Mum! Stolat, Stolat, may you live a hundred years! Dat's somefin my Daddy's bean's sing at all birfday celebrashuns. Dat's owr human grandparent's and dare parent's were from Poland. So Stolat (hundred) years hopefully you will see.

    Poppy, did yoo gif yur Mom some stinky goodness to help her celebrate? Hee hee.

  21. Happy Purrthday to your Mom! And it was a beautiful pwesent you gave her!

  22. Happy Belated Purrfday Mum!! That's quite a lovely necklace that you gave your Mum, Poppy Q!!

    Luf, Us
