Sunday, November 9, 2008

Great Weekend

Today my mum found me snoozing in the sun. It felt like a lovely spring day.

We had a big photo shoot session with lots of fun photos to share with you during the week.

Don't I look silly upside down? Mum loves this photo. She thinks I look like a grey teddy bear.

You can see how floofy my chest is and how wrinkly my furs look.

And how many weeds have grown between the bricks.
Have a nice week everybuddy.


  1. Lovely photos of a gorgeous kitty! Mum just wanted to snuggle you through the screen...


    Gypsy & Tasha

  2. You look very cute and cuddly. Mum wants to snorgle you.

  3. You are so lucky my Mommy was not around. You would have been picked up and squished and snuggled and kissed! Bleh!

  4. Oh Poppy, these are wonderful pictures! Your furs look so thick and velvety. You look so happy squirming around Yay!

    Whicky Wuudler

  5. You remind me of a cat that used to have me... I love the upside down picture

  6. Hey Poppy - I have been looking for an email for you and your mom but couldn't find one. Could you email me at
    Kikuta2008mod2 @ gmail . com
    (with out the spaces of course)

  7. Can you hear our mom going SQUEEEEE? That's what she said when she saw your belly!

  8. You do look like a nice gray, plushy teddy bear-cat! Perfect for hugging.

  9. You know, Poppy Q, you are exactly like a gray floofy Teddy Bear, and this makes the regular Teddy bears jealous!

  10. The only thing better than that cute belly is knowing that is is a cute belly that has been warmed by the sun...even more snorgely (is that a word?)

  11. Your so beautiful.I love the upside down photo...Hugs Ariel

  12. Poppy, you look simply divine! What a gorgeous snuggly girl you are. It must have been nice resting in the sun.

  13. You are so cute Poppy Q! Mommie wants to rub your floofy belly fur. I don't let her rub mine. Enjoy the sunshines.

  14. You vare a beautiful cuddly bear, I could just squish into your furs....gently of course! :o)

  15. They're all great, but my favorite pose was you upside down :-D You're so beautiful I did not even notice any weeds.
