Thursday, December 18, 2008

Hello friends

Mum says, that two nights with four hour sleeps, and having to stay at work til 5 am...............

a misbehaving computer, and christmas presents to wrap........

.........means we have missed our blogging friends.

We hope to catch up with everybuddy soon.


  1. Poor Mom! We hope life will be less stressfull asap!
    Purrs, Siena & Chilli

  2. Your poor mum must be exhausted. It's a good job she has got you to sleep for her.

  3. Hi Poppy, I hope your Mommy gets to rest a little!

  4. Oh Poppy, your mum is doing a great job just to be upright! Ours would be fast asleep in the nearest corner!

    We recieved your card today, thankyou! It made us smile to see your gorgeous face:)

  5. That sounds amazingly sleep? At least when she is able to, you'll help her get some rest.

  6. We certainly know what that is like. We hope your mum gets some much needed sleep. Our mom is no good without sleep.


  7. I hope your mom gets some time to herself to relax soon!

  8. Oh no! Sorry to hear your Mum is so busy at work. I hope it'll get better for her soon.

  9. I know what you mean about mom beans not having time for helping us with our visiting.

    How's your summer so far?

    We are getting a lot of snow for Northwestern Oregon. Wow! And bitter cold for us, too.

    Happy Holliday Hugs...Gretchena & Mike

  10. Oh Poppy what aweful times to have to work so much. Hope you all get a better time to blog and rest up.
