Thursday, December 4, 2008


We have visitors coming for the next couple of days. I'll be outside if you need me.


  1. Hello Poppy! We visit now & then but don't know if we've commented before.
    Mom took in a couple visitor cats and one looks just like you. When she first saw him she thought to herself "It's a Poppy Q cat!" and she's taken to calling him Poppy. Stop by if you get a chance and see your double.

  2. Hiding is a good idea when visitors stop by. They don't seem to understand personal space. We hope you make it through ok!

  3. I hide too, when visitors come to my house.

    I have tagged you for a meme, please come to my blog for details!

  4. Looks nice and private under your chair Poppy. Definately stay there until the visitors have gone. I hope they go soon!

    Whicky Wuudler

  5. Hey Poppy at least you have an awesome wonderful chair where you can hang out.

  6. Have fun with your visitors! I usually hide under the bed when we have guests.

  7. Don't blame you one bit. Thankfully you have nice weather now.

  8. That's nice your Mum has visitors, but I don't blame you for hiding.

  9. Poppy Q, you crack me up. You are the friendliest kitty, yet you scram when there are visitors. Everyone should get some Poppy Love!

  10. We just had the same thing happen to us last week Poppy Q! We hid in the sleeping room til they were gone!

  11. Hehe... we totally understand. Vistors are yuckie! LOL
