Friday, February 6, 2009

Miss you Miss Belle

When the Belle was here, I slept on the end of the bed on my grey blanket. Can you see me?

Belle likes to read. Like her mum, aunty and Gdad.

Did mum pull some weeds today? Just a couple.
Did she do the washing? A couple of loads.
Did she tidy up? Just moved some stuff around.
Did she go to the movies? Yup.
Did she finish reading her book? Yup.
Did she sleep in? Yup.
Did she relax? Yup.

Life is good.


  1. I saw you there Poppy!
    I'm glad you and your Mum are having a good time!

  2. We see you! Your Mom sounds like she did a few things that needed to be done and a few fun and relaxing things, too. Balance is important!

    -Gandalf and Grayson

  3. But most importantly, Poppy, did your mum make the bed? :) Have a lovely weekend, Qs!

  4. I think your Mum should take it easy, too ;-) Have a great weekend!

  5. We see you Poppy, but you blend in well with the blanket.

  6. It sounds like your mom has the correct priorities!

  7. That sounds like a wonderful day. Your mom got lots accomplished.

  8. Now that's how to spend a public holiday!!! Ha ha, Kate can't pull weeds or do washing here today, cause it's raining. She might just have to follow your mum's lead and do some nice indoor things. Although she says that the study 'needs attention'... oh boy...

  9. I see you too! Who wants to pull weeds??

  10. You almost look like part of the blanket poppy, but I can see you.

  11. That certainly looks like a good way to cool off!
