Friday, July 22, 2016

Screen Time

Today the mumster had a good day at work.  She started her day with not enough sleep, but the shower she had at home and the walk to work freshened her up. Luckily us girls didn't have to much planned for the evening, so we got a chance to chill out together on the couch.  I try and steal her spot and she tries to catch up on her computer stuff while watching the box at the same time.

Mum is looking forward to the weekend, but she has to get up early to go to a study morning tomorrow.  She is not looking forward to having to stay awake all morning for that one.


  1. Phew! It is hot over here Poppy!x
    Once again to~day, l've tried to get out
    into the garden..Trimmed a bit of ivy back
    around the pond, 15 minutes, that was enough! :(.
    I've just had a very large squash...then l'll give
    it another go...!
    I put a bit of washing out earlier...half hour, it
    was dry...!
    Still, must'nt complain...first lot of summer we've
    had...and, it is nice to relax in the shade, with a
    cold drink! :). COLD DRINK! Who said COLD DRINK!
    Hang On...!!! :0).

  2. A study morning? I take it that's work-connected? Is that as bad as a motivational 'team-work' meeting?

  3. Mum is done with study and other work stuff. She is happy for that, means more time for cuddles with me.

  4. Hello Poppy Q .... just popping by for a visit to see you. I did laugh at your last post about the Mums facial ... I seem to do nothing right when I go to the beauty therapists too. Hence I have stopped going !!! Hope you have a great weekend Poppy Q ... dont overstress yourself & hope the Mums study morning goes well.
