Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Tuesday Talker

Mum and I had a little chat together this afternoon while we got some fresh air.  As the weather is getting cooler you have to make the most of the sunshine and light.

Mum told me about her busy day.  I told her about my biscuits and snoozing.  I'm a lucky girl.


  1. Well..out the two of you..l think you had
    the better day Poppy!x
    Biscuits and snoozing..you certainly are
    a very lucky girl..Bless!x

  2. It's always nice when humans listen to you talk about your day, Poppy.

  3. poppy Q; we like yur day de best ;) ♥♥☺☺ !!

  4. We're just starting our warmer weather and porch visits. It's so nice to just sit and enjoy the fresh air and little critters.

  5. You ARE a lucky girl indeed dear Poppy Q. And Mum is lucky to have you & your sweet little face in her world!

  6. Yeah, it is nice to connect with our humans. Mum has been able to work outside in nice weather for the past two days.

  7. Even with the air cooling off, it's still nice to be out and about. Fresh air, with a tinge of chill to it, invigorates, don't you think?
