Monday, August 1, 2016


Look at me sitting this close to the vacuum  cleaner - although it is not turned on.  Mum did a good old tidy up at the weekend, and I helped.  Helped by snoopervising.


  1. My goodness Poppy!x
    Is that one of those cylinder type vacuum
    cleaners! My Mum used to have one, and, a
    lot of hard work they are to! :). Wonder
    what you do when Mum switches it on!
    Under the decking..!!! :).

  2. I hope you approved of the job your human did tidying up, Poppy!

  3. Good job, Poppy! Derry wouldn't get that close to it, even when not on. :-) Nick's actually pretty brave too.

  4. That's pretty good, Poppy. Every time you see it, just remember that it's mostly just noise.

  5. You are very brave Poppy. The only time I get close to ours is when I see it in the cupboard.

  6. That is one thing mum didn't get done today. Cleaning.

  7. poppy Q...ewe iz total lee way braver N uz... coz we wood knot even sit bye it.... if it waz locked bee hind a door !!! ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  8. Wow Poppy! Way to close. It came up to my bed, then it found me where ideas hiding at my food dish. I do not like the vacuum cleaner😁 From Holly
