Friday, August 12, 2016


Family are staying, so mum has given our bed up.  So us girls are camping in the lounge, sharing the couch.  I kind of like it.


  1. Poppy, dear, the cats and I love couch camping when the bedroom at the NW corner of the house becomes too cold. The cats climb between the quilts and pat at one another.

  2. It looks comfortable, but I hope it's long enough for your mum to stretch out.

  3. Last time mum had a full house of company she slept on the couch one night too. That was the night she discovered I was jumping on top of the curio cupboard in the living room.

  4. poppy Q...couch campin iz fun !!! N may bee mum will bring out an extree can oh feast !!! N joy yur caturday & SUNday & heerz two a sand knifefish kinda week oh end !! ☺☺☺ ♥♥♥

  5. That sounds like fun. Glad Poppy Q is brave staying inside with the visitors

  6. Camping is an adventure, but I hope the visitors are respectful of you, Poppy. After all it is your home, and bed, and sofa.

  7. It looks like a pretty luxurious camping site to me. Nice and soft and warm.
