Sunday, January 17, 2010

Visitor Advice - Part Two

Visitor Advice - Part Two
  • If you are shy with strangers don't worry. You can always go and play with their STUFF.
  • Visitors brings lots with them, in big bags full of strange smells.
  • Their families have asked them to return with lots of cat hairs.
  • Often they like to put their pyjamas on the bed or under the pillow. This is a GREAT place to catch a nap.
  • You can steal or move little things in their bags, that are good to wap around.
  • If you like eating peoples food, it is good if you nibble on their snacks and sup on their bedside water.

Thank you for visiting, please come again.


  1. Oh yes Poppy! I agrees! Going and playing with the visitors stuff is lots of fun! Strangers got the neatest stuffs!

  2. True! I, (Patsy) love to take the visitors underwear and run around the house with it. Its soooooo funny to have the visitor yelling at me and chasing me ..... I'm so fast too - always much faster than they are!!!!

  3. So true, and Jack likes to rub on coats and lady's handbags. He thinks leaving furrs is important too and some nice smells.

  4. I hardly ever get visitors Poppy but I am writing all this down!

  5. Great advice, Poppy! We hardly ever get visitors, because we can't get a break from our human, but we're taking notes just in case!

  6. I am taking notes for the next time we have guests!

  7. ...and people think we only nap...there is a lot of sneakyness involved in being a cat:)

  8. I definitely like to carefully smell the suitcases and bags and coats any visitors bring, but also I do that to my dad's briefcase every day when he comes home. I can tell every single place he has been during the day that way!

  9. Great advice! I like this list even better than yesterdays.

  10. Great advice Poppy. We also like to sit on top of the clothes in their open suitcase.

  11. Thanks for the tips Poppy. I have one for you. Wait until they fall asleep then get real close and sniff their face. They wake up thinking they have had a strange dream. Works like a charm.

  12. Once again, fantastic advice Poppy!

  13. That's some good advice, Poppy. We will definitely remember that when we have visitors...

  14. :)
    I agree
    It is a good advivce
    Have a nice week

  15. It is always helpful to have suggestions to mark your territory around guests.

  16. Thanks for the advice, Poppy--we like to share our fur with visitors too, especially when we sneak into their suitcases...We appreciate you visiting our new blog and look forward to seeing more of you!...purrs...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  17. Thanks for the superb advice.. Hugs GJ x

  18. Those are very useful tips. We have taken note of them.

  19. Did you give Belle a generous amount of pretty gray furs?

  20. Great advice! We always try to do something like that.
