In New Zealand, our broadband internet speed is very slow, and a bit expensive. So at the end of the month, it runs slow - reaalllllly slow. So we might only be able to load one picture of my beautiful face for the next few days. Mum probably spends an hour on the computer each day, and doesn't think she is a super big user, considering some of the young people she knows. Does your bean spend lots of time on their computer?
The rain has set in for us, but it is nice for mum to curl up with her book. It is warmer and we have new spring leaves on some of our plants. Yippee for spring!!
Mom spends too much time on the computer! But not blogging for us!
ReplyDeleteAt least we get 1 picture a day=we would be sad without any Poppyliciousness!!...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
ReplyDeleteOur human spends too much time on the computer, as far as we're concerned. She had old-fashioned dial-up via the phone line for years, because she could dial in free to campus, but last year she gave up and went back to cable internet (she had high speed when with her ex). Her service is pretty much unlimited--4 or so Gigs of upload/download per month, for a flat fee. Same speed.
ReplyDeleteMishamummy has over 42GB a month and nearly always uses it up!
ReplyDeleteMy bean spends enough time with assisting me on my blog..her TWO blogs plus attending to comments on her Flickr account. She needs to take a rest (except from helping ME!)
ReplyDeleteYes, the M spends way too much time on the puter. You might even say she's addicted to it! Well, if your broadband not working right, you can't work right either. We'll be happy to hear & see you whenever we can. purrs
ReplyDeleteAny picture of the wonderful PoppyQ is greatly appreciated!!!
ReplyDeleteWell Poppy Q one picture is better than no pictures at all!
ReplyDeleteMom lives on the computer. She's got it bad. We don't have limits on our usage, but we only have a medium speed DSL because they are cheap.
ReplyDeleteWe know we are spoiled not to have to pay by the minute, or the gigabyte or anything.
Our mum is on the computer a lot too, but we do not have the same broadband restrictions in Canada. Mum says that is likely because we are not an island. We are glad, because we like our internets!
ReplyDeleteWe wish you had better broadband so it would be easier for you to blog. We're always glad to see you.
ReplyDeleteMy human spends far far too much time on the computer indeed!
ReplyDeleteMy mom spends hours and hours surfing the Internets! But when she goes to try to put pictures of me or any of us cats and dogs on my blog the Internet slows down to a snails pace! Today Firefox went down 3 times while she was working on my blog!!
ReplyDeleteMum spends lots of time on the puter, but she gets a deal on internet access. Special price negotiated through work. Actually her old work. We use as much as we want, pretty speedy.
ReplyDeleteOur #1 spends a lot of time on the Internet and we have just replaced our ADSL modem after having a lot of connectivity problems. There is enough comfortable seating so that we can all hang out with her when she's there for hours, working.
ReplyDeleteBoth mum and dad spend HOURS on the computers... but that is their jobs.
ReplyDeleteOur mum spends lots of time on the internet. We don't mind at the moment because we've been super snuggly since we came home from the hotel.
ReplyDeleteOur mum spends far to much time on the internet!
ReplyDeleteSo interesting that it will soon be Spring at your house and Fall at our house. The world is so big!
ReplyDeleteOur mom spends a lot of time on the computer but she is trying to do it less because she gets behind on everything at home if she is on all the time!
ReplyDeleteOur mewmmie is just glad when the puter comes on in the morning. She knows nothing about the details since our daddy set it all up and he went to heaven 3 years ago...