Today, mum could not make this wordless, she has too much to say. Last night, I was running around, and mum was relaxing on the couch. She heard quite a
commotion coming from next door and thought it was a cat screaming. By the time she got to the door, she saw a cat jump up against the glass door of the neighbours back door, then the door was quickly opened and a male laughed. Mum then saw a cat fly over the fence and round the front of our house, and the neighbour next door yelled out " you better keep better control of your cat"!!
Well mum was pretty sure it was me although it happened so fast , as she found me around the front of our house, and when I
comed inside I was pretty quiet and just wanted to curl up on our bed. Don't worry she has checked me out, and I seem fine, and she thinks I wasn't kicked or injured, just shaken. So tonight I have stayed inside, and she is happy about that.
She is going to go and visit the neighbours and talk to them, but being teenage boys flatting together she gets the feeling that they will just laugh at her anyway. At the moment they are hiding from her with their lights out, but one night when they least expect it, she will visit them.
Mum is just angry and annoyed. If I was in the wrong place, and she doesn't want me in their house, then they are welcome to chase me out, but to be nice about it, and not be mean or cruel.
We are going to move out of our place sometime soon, and although mum was feeling sad about going, now she thinks it would be a good thing.
Thanks for listening!! We know all our friends understand how we feel.