Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Tummy Tuesday
Monday, June 28, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Slow Saturday
Mum went to work from 3am-4.30am last night, but managed a wee sleep in and still went out to meet her friends. Dinner was at the usual place and a movie before getting home with me at 6.30. Winds are blowing up from Antartica, so all the heaters are on tonight.
We are feeling a wee bit house bound at the moment, as the weather has been reminding us it still has quite a bit of winter to go, before the sun comes back.
We hope you are all having a great weekend, and enjoying yourselves. Catch a few sunbeams for me.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Wet Weekend
The weather man promises us a typical wet weekend. Mum is on-call over night, so she thinks it may be ideal for sleeping in in the morning, but not getting a lot done.
We hope you all have plans for some fun, and enjoy your sun (those of you that get it)!!
Our football boys drew 0-0 with Paraguay, so they are on their way home, but we think they did an awesome job. The best results for NZ ever in football!!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Big Night for All Whites
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
3 Reasons to Celebrate
- 1-1 NZ VS ITALY results from morning. Did you know that we are ranked 78th in the world, and Italy are the world champs. Everyone was soooo happy today.
- It is the winter solstice here today, the shortest day of the year, a sign of spring returning to us.
- Antiques Roadshow is back on Prime tv at 7.30 pm, mum is very happy.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
We LOVE weekends
I do not usually sleep with my comb, so mum thought these pictures were cute. She took them on Saturday night after she got home.
Mums weekend involved - a birthday party for our friend T, a trip to the seaside, shopping in Petone, buying the cardi she had been looking for, getting Jack Johnsons new CD, a copy of New Moon on DVD, three new books in the half price book sale, a caramel icecream, curly fries, a burrito and coke at Sweet mamas kitchen , Colin Firth in a movie, a walk along the Wellington harbour at night (chilly but calm), a big sleep in,reading a new library book in bed, catching up on blog reading, bangers and mash for tea, and snuggles with me.
Good luck to the All Whites for tonights football game!!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Saturday Instructions - Games with Poppy Q
Friday, June 18, 2010
Big Plans
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Winter Bed
This is me on my winter bed last year. It is next to the heater, and mum says it is a great place for a girl to rest on frosty nights.
Will I sleep on it this year? Not on your nelly.
Oh and the football last night - we drew 1-1 with Slovakia, which is the best result for the New Zealand Football team in a world cup ever!! Italy - you better watch out!!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Toesie Tuesday
Licking my toes takes time.
It has been quiet around the Q house, we have been going to bed earlish for us, and mum has been pulling my fleecie blankie up around her shoulders. We awoke to lots of rain this morning, and it looks frosty tonight. Mum is always grateful that she was born when she was and not two hundred years ago. How cold must her great great grandparents have been in winter?
Thanks to all of my furiends who have offered to share their hots - you guys are sweet.
Oh and good luck to our All Whites Football team, who play Slovakia in about an hour. Apparently our team is in the "Pool of death". So they better enjoy this game!!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Star Gazer
Today was a quiet one for me. Mum stayed up very late last night - up til 3am, just mucking around though, nothing exciting. Even though it was chilly she went and stood outside and looked at the stars at 3am, as all the clouds had blown away.
This morning all the clouds blew back in again, and it is cold and rainy now. Soup and toast for tea for her, and fancy feast and water for me. Life is good.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
Fanks Friday Friends
Fank you friends for your concerns about me. Mum says there isn't much chance of me wasting away from hunger, and when she got home there were about 40 biscuits in my bowl, and lots of water, so she knew I was ok.
Tonight she got home at normal dinner time, so I ate my noms and am now ignoring her by going outside, even though it is a tad chilly here.
Our weekend is going to be laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy - we hope yours is too.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Late O'clock
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
Here are my big paws. This is one of my favoritist treats. On Saturdays, when the sheets are off the bed, I spend most of the day napping at this end of the bed. It is the electric blanket that covers the mattress, and it has a nice wool feel. So mum, being a softie waits til about midnight/1am before she makes the bed, so I get a good long nap.
Thanks Milo and Alfie!!

I gotted this nice award from two great friends Milo and Alfie . There are a few rules with this award:
Rule 1. Thank the person who gave it to you.
Thanks Milo and Alfie, you guys are the best!!
Rule 2. Share 9 things about yourself.
- I like to sleep - a lot. Mum has noted days when I have had 23 hours of sleep. In fact I am sleeping now, while she types this for me.
- I do not like peoples food, although I have been eating a wee bit of raw chicken lately. Mum thinks that it is strange, as all the other kitties she has ever had come sniffing around at meal time, and love to try what she is eating.
- When I was a kitten, mum was asked to choose between me and my sister. We looked alike and mum was overwelmed by the 44 kittens, that she let the breeder choose which one would be Poppy Q!!!
- Every day when mum comes home she says "Hello Girly Wirly" to me.
- I did not have to get taught to use the catdoor, as soon as I could get close to it, I runned in and out by myself.
- I have never not come home, only sometimes I have been gone for a couple of hours mum figures I have been asleep comfy somewhere.
- Usually when mum is home, I am close by asleep. In the winter I sleep inside, but in the summer I am often outside in my jungle in the shade.
- I hate being picked up and only tolerated cuddles from my mum occasionally.
- I love my Big Uncles hat, in fact anything stinky like shoes are good for a smoochie cuddle. I also like to do some cuddling and loving on my lampost, and on my fancy feast cupboard.
Rule 3. Pass the award along to 9 bloggers who you think are fantastic.
This is the hard part, as you are all great but I would like to pass it on to:
- Carolines Cat - your excitement at getting your first pussy cat was wonderful, and we knew you would find the perfect cat for you, and look at what a beautiful princess you rescued and have given a home full of love.
- Fui and Suey and Lishy - you guys are awesome for opening your home up to so many sweet fosters and giving them all a good chance at life. You have touched so many little lives.
- Caitty Quilts - Rustys mom is a teacher and a mom - two of the hardest jobs in the world, and yet she still finds time to help with brownies and girl scouts, do wonderful quilts and fill us in with the occasional picture of Rusty.
- Eric & Flynn - The two gingerliscious boys make us smile everyday when we visit your blog. We love the pictures of the farm, and especially like the holiday snaps as we think farming must be super hard work and the folks deserve a holiday in the sun every now and then.
- Jake and Micah - Fionna, Jonah and Micky live with the lovely Mei and her husband. Disapointed by the quality of good cat toys Mei now makes her own wonderful catnip filled creations, which she sells and uses some of her profits to help out cat charities.
- Tober the Library Cat - who like many celebrities, have had an internet rumour circulated about his demise. He would like to remind you all, that he and his bucket of catnip are well and truly alive and kicking.
Mum says she is sorry for only listing six special friends, but she has to get some jobs done. Today is a holiday, and even though she is on call (Friday 5pm - Tues 8am), we had a big sleep in, but it is now time to knuckle down, and do some chores.
Sleepy smooches to you all.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
Nosy Pose
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Amber Eyes
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
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