Sunday, September 30, 2007
Snoozy Sunday

Saturday, September 29, 2007
Christmas meme
Last christmas we got very bad weather though, so the heaters had to be on and the windows closed!!

Last time mum and her friends got a real tree, we found a bedraggled sparrow in our lounge three weeks later. It was in a terrible state, and the SPCA man thinks it came in with our christmas tree and spent the time living off crumbs being terrorised by the cats she lived with at the time. Elvis and doodlebug, you know who you are!!

Friday, September 28, 2007
Hello Friday - Hello Friend!!
This special silver tabby with the lovely green eyes is my friend Jade.
Jade has a blog here at http://lordjaders.blogspot.com/
She is like me and likes the cat food only - not a bean food eater!! I'm with you on that one miss Jade. She also likes climbing her trees in the garden, a good workout for a girl.

She lives in California with five special beans and two woofies. One of the woofies Bailey (also known as miss bebe, is her special best friend. Here they are at the dining table, looks like they are plotting something!!

The lovely Jade won my 100th post prize!! Here it is arriving at her door!!

Here she is lookin in the parcel. I bet she was hoping we would send her her boyfriend Benjamin fuzz.

No, no room for him!! We sent her some goodies including some mousie catnip toys. Jade got some for Christmas but they got stolen from her!!!

We got her a tunnel too!! Being a rescue cat from the SPCA Jade can appreciate having a good escape plan!!!

I hope you all visit my new friend. Say hi to her and her family, they are having a tough time as grand bean has cancer and they are looking after him. We are thinking of you and your family.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Happy tropical birthday miss pixie
So dear campers - our days in paradise are drawing to close. Only one more day left and we have to get home in time for my Friday friend. So lets relax in our huts and enjoy the tropical sun.

and drink some niptinis (funny fact - if you google niptinis under images you come up with pictures of Angie and beau!!)......

.......... and we'll all wake up in the morning and look like this fellow!!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Just hanging out

Today we are going to soak up the sun and forget about sharks.

Drink niptinis - great idea Parker!!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Let's go fishing
Okay friends. On our first day of the holiday I gonna take you fishing. We looking for the tuna, as I know many of you loves them. We are gonna take my glass bottomed boat - the POPPY Q.
We looking for tuna that looks like this.

Not like this one.

Definately not like this one. Oops we better rush away fast!!!!

We better go back and lie down, maybe our tuna should come out of a can!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Who is a pretty mermaid then?
Saturday, September 22, 2007
zoom groom
Friday, September 21, 2007
My Friday Friends
Kimo is a laid back, handsome (check out those blue eyes), siamese meezer dude. He likes birdie watching, chasing his feather stick, sunbathing, laying around on the deck, collecting coins, reality tv, laying by the fireplace and nappping. Recently he confessed to greeting his momma at the door, being the family cat pooper coverer upper and being the official family sniffer.

Sabi is a handsome tuxie (of the cow variety) fella. He won a prize from the Monty Q, doing the Q competition with this fabulous photo of him nippin out on his mat. Isn't that expression awesome?

Sabi lists his hobbies as running around, playing with the toilet paper (clean we hope), spider catching, knitting, burrowing into the fresh clothes, running around, going out in the stroller and little naps (the only time he is still).
These two brothers are great my Friday friends. They always have funny entertaining posts and I like to go and read them. I hope your mom and dad are back from Vegas soon Kimo and Sabi and I look forward to next weeks adventures.

Your friend Poppy Q
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Here's one for the belly lovers out there
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
This yoga position.....
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Yoga stretching
Monday, September 17, 2007
Hi - I'm back
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Hello campers
we didn't blog yesterday as the secretary was too flustered. We had gone to someones blog the night before, and we think that it gave us a virus. Sorry but the secretarys computer is very sick now and she has had to call it nasty words!!!
Did we tell you about our new friends Heather, Hunter, napolean and Belle. They live over athttp://petspics.blogspot.com/ . They are the second new friends I have made recently. Oh it is great to be popular!!! Anyways they have tagged me for an awesome Meme and I has to think about it for a few days.
My other new friend is Jan at http://jansfunnyfarm.blogspot.com/ and Jan asked me how I got the Q in my name. Why the Q is part of my very important surname however mum says poppy says Q should stand for queen!!! I was very amused reading my brother Monty Qs explanation of his name. What a post name Monteque!!!
Have a nice weekend everycat and bean and I hope your computers don't get sick.
Poppy Q
Friday, September 14, 2007
Hello my Friday Friends

Now if you have trouble telling them apart: This is Flynn. He is a very handsome orange tabby cat As you can see he enjoys having a laugh, walking on the farm, catching mousies and hanging out with his brother. I just love this photo!!
This Eric. Eric is a more husky orange tabbly mancat, he also has a sense of humour, enjoys sitting on tractors, eating the mouises his brother catches, taking a walk in the sun and hanging out. I think he is a daddys boy (nothing wrong with that). I love this photo too. It shows true mancat love.
Eric has had to go to the vet recently and on one of his visits they must have spreyed him with bad cat cologne, cause his brother Flynn wouldn't have anything to do with him. But his mum and dad asked for help and came up with a clever plan. Next time the vet visit was due, they snuck Eric out of the house while Flynn was snoozing. They also stole a towel he likes to sleep on and when they got home they rubbed it all over Eric. Eue de' Flynn cat cologne. Now they are friends!! Good one mum and dad.
Eric and Flynn, I am glad I has met you. You boys always make me and my secretary smile (that's my mum). We hope you has a nice weekend with your mum and dad.
Poppy Q
Ps I have made the secretary do a correction. By mistake I said that Eric catches the mousies. No, the boys told me Flynn catches the mousies and Eric is the eater. Drrrr how could I have got that wrong - sorry handsome boys!!!
Pss Good luck with the rugby - I saw the half time score. Ouch!!!