Friday, April 30, 2021
It's getting darker earlier than ever now as winter approaches. These were the skies as mum turned into our street tonight, a sky if peach shades with a scattering of little grey clouds. Home just in time to switch the lights and heater on.
Thursday, April 29, 2021
Mum came home and when she came home she noticed that the covers on the bed were rather rumpled and not tidy as she had left them in the morning. On closer inspection she saw that I had left a gift for her on the bed cover A rather dead baby mouse - thankfully in one piece. Mum did give me a pat and called me a good girl before the body was disposed off.
Also the zip zag cover is a towel. I love when mum takes it off her hair after the shower and rush to sit on it and have a snooze. In fact mum played a game tonight - Bag or Towel and I could not choose so slept with my top paws on one and bottom paws on the other.
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
I don't really like posing for photos. As I've got older I have less tolerance for mum pushing the camera in front of me. She loves me and tries to have some quality time without having the pressure of having to model.
Monday, April 26, 2021
It has been a 3 day long weekend this weekend which has been just lovely. The weather was better than forecast, with three warm and sunny days. The evenings are cooling and mum has the heaters turned on which I am enjoying.
I got to go out in the garden with mum and show her my favorite sunshine spots.
Sunday, April 25, 2021
Mum is feeling better today. She went to bed last night with a fever and sore arm but as the day went on today her temperature has almost returned to normal. It is ANZAC day here and mum would have liked to go to dawn parade she would have felt a bit too wobbly to stand outside for an hour.
So she slept in and just pottered about. She cleaned the windows and did the dishes and more washing. She might venture out and about tomorrow. Me well I enjoyed my sleep in and was begging for my dinner at 4pm and back to bed by 4.15pm.
Saturday, April 24, 2021
Wiped Out
Well its the day after her 2nd Pfizer vaccination and mum is wiped out. The day was sunny and hot for autumn, so mum filled the washing line with towels and her uniforms. She took herself out for a walk and after 1.5 hours she had to admit defeat and call a taxi to bring her home. She just feels like she has a bad flu but no sneezing or coughs, just achy with a bit of a headache. I'm going to be a good nurse and snuggle up next to her.
Friday, April 23, 2021
Yippee Friday is finally here. Mum survived the bus strike and managed a solid 15,000 steps today, so this evening she is planning to sit on the couch and barely move. She also went and got her 2nd Covid vaccination today. It was busy at the clinic as someone fainted after their injection. Mum felt fine but most of her colleagues have felt a bit rough the day after this 2nd injection. Mum plans to have some orange juice and an early night.
Do you like the soft focus photo? Mum has no idea of how to put the special effects on her photos, it all happens when she accidentally presses pushes some button. She should look at the instructions sometime.
We hope you are all excited for the weekend and have something fun planned.
Thursday, April 22, 2021
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Today was cloudy with spots of rain, so mum was glad that we got to enjoy the windows open and get all of the washing done yesterday. Today mum ventured out only to go to the library, to return some online shopping to the post office and to get some groceries. Mum and I do feel relaxed though.
Monday, April 19, 2021
Mum picked the harvest red tomatoes that were poking through the fence tonight. She popped a couple in with tonights pasta dish and will have some for salad with tomorrow nights dinner. And she found some of their parsley growing through the gaps too.
Sunday, April 18, 2021
Saturday, April 17, 2021
Caturday Snoozer
I found a cozy spot to take my 10 hour nap until mum gets home. How exciting to get my dinner at 11.30pm and to howl at her for an hour.
Friday, April 16, 2021
Thursday, April 15, 2021
Mum worked late this evening, so she came home and gave me my dinner. I then urgently curled up on the mama bed in heat mum calls the snuggly buggly position. Mum has some shifts coming up and is going to try and focus on the positive things about working late and enjoy the days at home and try and sleep in and spend some time in the sun with me. Once I get my beauty sleep.
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Double Feature
Mum still managed to get herself up and ready and had time to visit a couple of shops and the market on the way to the cinema to pick up a roll and an apple. She saw The Father first. A somewhat grim movie about a fathers struggle with memory loss. Olivia Coleman is always a delight, and Anthony Hopkins is just perfect in the title role being so talented at playing the charming and bewildered father whose life is swirling around him. I did manage to nod off several times so its a 3.5/5 from me.
The Courier is a post war based on a true story spy thriller with Benedict Cumberbatch playing an English businessman duped into working with a Soviet spy. Ladies at the cinema were telling us their stories about spending lockdown with Mr Cumberbatch and his family. The movie was interesting, a 4/5 Sunday Night Masterpiece Theater Movie.So mums tired and hopefully she'll get to sleep through the night tonight.
Monday, April 12, 2021
Today was a sunshiney day and we tried to soak up the sunbeams as rainy Autumnal weather has been forecast for the days ahead. Mums day off is tomorrow so she has made herself some plans and booked some tickets. She'll fill you in on Tuesday.
Sunday, April 11, 2021
Mum loved that there are some flashes of green out in the gardens on her walk home. She worked today, and was glad to get home to see me. I had my nose right up at the door, calling out to her as she arrived home. Happiness.
Saturday, April 10, 2021
As mum walked home she could see that the rain clouds were settling over the city. A great afternoon to come home and sit with me on the bed. As usual she says she was reading her book but we ended up napping together. Perfect!!
Friday, April 9, 2021
Home Grown
The neighbors tomatoes are getting nice and big. We guess since they are growing on our side of the fence they're ours now. Just waiting for them to turn red.
Thursday, April 8, 2021
Morning Friend
Om mums walk to work she often passes this friendly kitty who always has a morning hello and appreciates a little pat.
Wednesday, April 7, 2021
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
It was crisp and the stars were out tonight. Mum surprised herself with this shot, they're normally so blurry. It was hard for mum to listen to the 6.30am alarm this morning. So she ignored it until 7.15 am, and then she had to get up and hustle to get to work. Luckily she got there 10 minutes early.
Monday, April 5, 2021
Sunday, April 4, 2021
Saturday, April 3, 2021
Friday, April 2, 2021
Mum feels better today - thank you for the well wishes. She stayed home and relaxed with me all day. Us girls are good at that. Mum appreciates a sleep in that allows her to wake up after 8am.
Thursday, April 1, 2021
Mum was home late last night after another shift. It poured with rain nonstop until this afternoon when it suddenly cleared up with blue skies.
So after work this afternoon mum stopped by the library and then braced herself for supermarket shopping. People were tense, its a four day Easter break here with shops closed on Friday and Sunday, so everyone was Armageddon shopping. Mum got herself lots of tasty fruit and vegetables, eggs and bagels already for the weekend ahead.
Alas as the afternoon has progressed, she has a cough developing so any plans for fun stuff may need to be canceled. She can play with me instead. She is not sure if this is related to the pfizer vaccination she had on Monday, and will wait until tomorrow to see if she is getting worse and needs to ring her doctor and get a Covid test.