Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween everycat and bean (It is Wednesday here).

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Another great place to sleep
Plastic/rubber laundry baskets are good to sleep in to. Please go away with the flashy box now, you are ruining a good snooze.
Poppy q
Monday, October 29, 2007
Miss Peach We Love You Meme

It's called a cherish meme. It is to show Miss Peach how much we love her. You know what her and her mummy left a comment on my bloggie this morning, while I was sleeping. I thinks they know how much they are loved, how worried we are for them and how much love we are sending across the oceans.
1. Tell us the sweetest warmest thing you do to your mommy (and the sweetest thing that your kitty will do to you)
2.Hug your mummy, and your kitty tightly.
3.Tag your friend
4. Keep hugging each other.
The bestest thing my mum likes, is when I come through the door I meow once, and if I don't hear her, I meow again. If she answers me I come running with my tail up in the air to find her. The bestest thing I like, is my mum gives me biscuits and every night she lets me sleep all night between her knees. It means she can't roll over or move, but she is used to it now that I have trained her.
I want to tag my special friends:
- Millie
- Beau and Angie
- Monty Q
Miss Peach you are such a good friend to us, and thank you for taking time from you sickbed to tell us how you are doing. I am so glad you have your mom and lapdaddy there to comfort you, and to cuddle and snuggle with. Thank you for telling me that you would be ready if the angels came to get you. Don't be scared sweet friend, we will send our angel friend Puss out to greet you. You have been such a special girl and I send you a thousand more hugs and purrs across the ocean.
Your friends
Poppy Q and mum
Sunday, October 28, 2007
It is my PTU!!!!
You smart cookies, it is my PTU - Prison Transport Unit. I am not going anywhere though. It is sitting in my mummys bedroom. She was going to put it away, but I likes to rest in it. It is quiet and has a cushion and a toy in there. And I like to purr very loudly in there too!!
Have a nice week everycat and bean.
Poppy Q
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
Miss Peach.
Hello Friday Friends
This weeks clues
- There is two of them and they are brother and sister.
- Thems very old (but not as old as my mum).
- They are very sweet cornish kitties, and they has a lovely blog
It's my friends Caesar and Princess.

They live in Northern Viginia, in the US with their beans. Their mommy bean used to be a nurse, which is very handy as these two has kidney troubles and their mom has to give them sub cut fluids to keep them happy. Good job mom bean. You can find their blog here:
This is Princess - she is lovely and white. She loves this blue blankie, sticking herself near water, is a tidy eater and loves her brother Caesar.
This is Caesar and his tent - check it out!! I learnt from his postings, that he likes to announce his toilet arrivals, can be very messy and likes to poke around.

They are wonderful cats, and you should always respect you elders. So be respectful and go and visit them this weekend!!
Thank you for being my friends.
Poppy Q
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Happy Purthday Mum!!!
When I woked up this morning, I had to snuggle next to my mum and say happy purrthday mum!!! I would love to make you a big cake, like the one below, but as my thumbs don't work you are out of luck (it would have to be big to fit all the candles on that you need!!).

Mum was very lucky as she got some beautiful summer flowers from D& S. Her brother, sister in law and Belle &Bud gave her a cool book voucher. Mums going to buy a great cookbook that she has been looking at, in the shop forever.
Her awesome friends have all rung her and she is catching up with them at the weekend. Best of all she thinks is her wee friend T who is three years old. He rung her up at 8.30 am and sung Happy Birthday to her on the phone, all by himself. How clever is that!! We love you A&P and T& F.
This is what I got my mum for her purrthday. It came all wrapped up in a special paper that is made out of old wallpaper (aren't beans funny).
Inside was this pretty necklace. It is made out of old buttons and made by some local ladies. Mum has a few - but she loved my choice of summer ocean colours.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Great start/bad start to the Week
It's a bad start when blogger still won't load pictures. Bad, bad blogger.
Poppy Q
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Easy like a Sunday lunchtime
Mum got stuck at work most of last night. So we stayed in bed most of the morning.
Then I runned outside, caught a bird, chased 'How Rude' the intruder and then collapsed in the shade.
Hope your Sunday is just as much fun as mine.
Poppy Q
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Poppy Q's Saturday Emporium
Friday, October 19, 2007
My Friday Friends

Thursday, October 18, 2007
Poppy the Would be Escape Artist
Last night, mum let me sniff around in the cupboard she keeps the candles in. It is a small skinny cupboard next to what used to be an old chimney. It is closed in now, and there is a gas fire where the fireplace used to be. I found a panel, that mum thought was secured, and while she turned her back I had half wriggled through. If I had got all the way in, mum thinks I might have either been trapped or fallen. Either way, mum can't imagine how bad it could have been. I am not allowed to sniff in that cupboard anymore and mum has made sure I can't get into it.
Boy, its tough to explore around this place!!!
Oh and I managed to lose my nice collar and tags, like you see me wearing in this picture from my purrfday. It is the second lot I has lost this month. Mum has had to order more tags, and more collars for me.
Poppy q
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Thanks - more blushing

Monday, October 15, 2007
Thank you everycat and bean
This is my new birthday bowl. First I got ham to eat, then mum made me a special pudding. She let me have cream with a number one made out of cat treats!!!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
It's my purrfday!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007
My Saturday Friend
Friday, October 12, 2007
My Friday Friend

Thursday, October 11, 2007
Here it is - the answer to the puzzle.
Boy did I make my mum giggle when I did this, I was purring and purring and she was laughing and laughing.
Poppy Q
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
I has a wee puzzle for you
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Finally our Screensaver
This is our screensaver. Mum and I got tagged for the meme a while ago. Sorry we didn't do it sooner and we are not going to post all the rules. You know how to do it, I have seen just about everycats. Some very nice pictures you have too!!
Mum has a picture by a french girl called Annejulie who sells her prints and lovely bookmarks on Etsy. If you go here you can look at her lovely stuff http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=12865 Mum thinks they would be great presents for christmas. She has bought bookmarks from her for mum and her friends.

Hope you all has a great week.
Poppy Q
Monday, October 8, 2007
Bye miss Jasmine

Bye bye Jasmine. I like this pictue of you sitting on your mums work table. Checking out her making a gizzy quilt. Boy, I guess your home is gonna seem really empty now you are gone. Mum and Millie will miss you lots. And now the carpets gone, Millie will have to play thundering herds of elephants by herself. She will have no one to hiss at, but I know she will miss you. You were a lucky girl, having such a good home and lots of love.
But we know that you will be looking after Gizzy. He must of been lonely, waiting by himself and needed you to come and look after him.

Millie and mom, you take care of yourselves. We all know you are hurting, but you will be ok.
Your friends,
Poppy Q and mum
Sunday, October 7, 2007
We are sad today as well

Saturday, October 6, 2007

My friend Faz the cat, lost her woofie friend Buddy this week too. That Buddy was pretty cute for a woofie.
Poppy Q and mum
Friday, October 5, 2007
My Friday Friend
1. She is a girl.
2. She loves a swedish fella (I wonder if he knows ABBA?).
3. This week she reminded us all of a good reason to go pink!!
Hello Gretchen - I choose you as this weeks My Friday Friend!

You can find the lovely Gretchen at her blog here: http://gretchenspawprattle.blogspot.com/
Gretchen lives with her lovely beans in Willamete Valley, Oregan in the US. Her nice folks gave her a lovely home, and her papa named her Gretchen, but her mom calls her Gretchen Pearl. She loves some pink plastice golf balls, hiding in empty boxes, tummy rubs, bird watching and the fake furry mice.

Gretchen also loves Yoggie - our Swedish friend. What a nice couple they make.

Now Gretchens mom had breast cancer three years ago, and as a survivor she is hoping that you can go pink on your blog for the month of October. We was pink already, we is very happy for you Gretchens mom and all the beans out there who have cancer, and who have battled cancer well done!!! We wish you lots of happy healthy days ahead.
Thanks for being my friend Gretchen. I love to hear of your adventures.
Poppy q