My Friday Friend is our way of introducing our new blogging friends to our older blogging friends. Now these ones have been blogging for a while, but they have some new and special members of their family.
It is our wonderful friends at Team Tabby with Moe and Mindy , or as it should now be known, The Mindy, Moe, Bono, Mike and Cookie Show!!

You may have met the beautiful Mindy before. This gorgeous girl lived a peaceful life with her handsome ginger tabby brother Moe (picture below). They are brother and sister, and started life as feral kitties, until they got their furrever home in 2001.

In sep/oct 2008, their lovely family welcomed the senior gent - the also very handsome Bono. They think he might be about 13 years old, and he lived with a lady who got sick and died. Bono got lucky finding his next furrever home.
The the beans, whose hears must be huge decided to foster Mike and Cookie, who were from the same home as Bono. So they need a new home too. Mike did find a new home, but he got returned cause he didn't fit with the family.

Mike is a character, he likes to keep hollering for food and is known to knock the rubbish bin over to look through the trash.
Cookie, well he is an older gentleman with a few health issues. So he is staying with everybuddy now.

We just wanted to say that we think your family is wonderful, and we admire you opening your home to these three special guys in the past year and giving them a great furrever place to spend their retirement years.
Thanks for visiting with us for this My Friday Friend. Have a great weekend everybuddy, soak up the sunbeams and make your beans do something fun.