It appears that some of my furriends are confused. I am a GIRLCAT. I know I look big and strong, but you should see how big boy British Blue cats are. All sugar and spice here.
Misha is my special super duper friend. Cos, he is grey and he also lives in New Zealand. That makes us like almost blogging twins. He is NOT my boyfriend, but I love him lots and lots.
This photo shows a good example of my "go away with the camera" face. I use it often.
Very beautiful pic of you, lovely girl. We just love your sweet round face. Hugs and kisses.
ReplyDeleteTank woo fur khlearing that up without having to show us!
You are a furry lovely girl cat, Poppy!!!
ReplyDeletePoppy, I think I owe you an apologytoo because I always thought you were a handsome mancat. Now I know you are a beautiful lady cat!
ReplyDeleteWe use that go away face a lot. But the mom never listens or pays attention.
ReplyDeleteYou are a devine lady cat, Poppy Q! I like that face--I use it too. It also doesn't work....
ReplyDeleteYou are a very sweet girl! Not all girls are delicate and petite. Love the face!
ReplyDeleteI remember I was confuzzled when you first started blogging. I kept thinking you were a boycat. But I learned really quick that you are a strong ladycat!
ReplyDeleteYour pretty name and gorgeous face have made it easy for us to have always known that you're a girl-cat, Poppy!
ReplyDeleteI get that all the time too Poppy!!
ReplyDeleteI was never confused Poppy! I always knew you were a girlie! I get that too sometimes...
ReplyDeleteHow could anyone mistake that sweet face for a boy? Especially with a pretty name like Poppy!
ReplyDeleteYou know, that's a very good "go away" face you got there!
ReplyDelete(pee ess. we knew you were a girlcat!)
We like the face! And we always knew you were a girl cat, probably because you are so pretty.
ReplyDeleteMe too. Everyone thinks I'm a boy, but I'm a girl. You are a very pretty girl, Poppy! Sorry, because I might have been mistaken about your identity earlier. Silly me.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely you are a sweet and beautiful girlcat!!!!
ReplyDeletepurrs and love from Luxembourg
mommy Léia and Luna
Thanx for the 'xplaination, Poppy Q. I love looking at your picture, with your woolly, woolly furs.
That is a lovely photo! I love your "go away" face!
ReplyDeleteWe automatically thoughts you were a girl.... you reminded us so much of of one who used to live here.... the beautiful Mama Boots! Only she had 4 white paws!
You are a pretty girl, Poppy :)
ReplyDeleteSnowy woofing here: "no worries, most hoomans get confused and think that I am a girl when they meet me for the first time until I tell them that I am a BOY" ^_^
Maltese Paws
I knew you were a girlcat Poppy. A very pretty one, at that.
ReplyDeleteHuffle Mawson
Poppy you are a very beautiful girl kitteh. Everyone can see that you are clearly a girl!
ReplyDeleteSometimes don't you wish that they would just give us a little privacy? And yes, sometimes we do have to give them the face so they'll get the message! Way to go Poppy Q!
ReplyDeleteyour friend,
We always thought you were a girl! SHH!! We thought Misha was a girl too until you clarified that. OOPS.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Thanx for clarifying! It was prbably our mom who said youz a boy! But, then again, she's only human and NOT as superior as us felines! We love your "go away" face!
ReplyDeletesilly people thinking you are a boy! the nerve! it is like people calling me cute. and you have a boyfriend? ..juss wonderin'..
ReplyDeleteWe could never mistake you for a boycat Poppy. We did wonder if Misha was your boycatfriend, but we have to admit we are glad it is brotherly love you feel for him.
ReplyDeleteRusty my ginger red tabby is happy that he is NOT your boyfriend. He thinks you are really pretty.
ReplyDeleteWe learned the Girlcat lesson almost 2 years ago, Poppy Q! teehee.
ReplyDeleteWe love your Go Away face!! You have some of the best expressions in your photos of any cat we know!
ReplyDeleteYeah, sometimes it's unclear about genders, especially with some of the names we kittehs have.
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, and Caramel and Cookie (the fosters)
You're givin' some good face, Poppy!