Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Still Trying
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Back home, back on my bed.
Trying to practice my Monty Q moves for Monty Q cats Doin the Q competition.
Hmmmm I think I need to keep practising!!
Poppy Q
Thanks everycat and bean for worrying about us in the storm. In the end we just had lots of rain and wind, but were all ok. Some wind was recordered in towns at the top of the north island as being 160km/hr, which is very very windy. Today was sunny when we got home to our house, but they is warning that another bout of stormieness is on its way to us!!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Oh noes!
Oh noes, mum has mine PTU out and says I have to go to the kitty hotel again!! Just for a few days though, so see you all soon.

Mum is going to visit her fambly. A big tropical storm is coming to visit them too!! We have been told to be careful as this will be a once in 15 years storm and is due in about 10 hours.
Storm update: We are all ok. Lots and lots of rain and wind where mum was, but the storm missed most of the country. 60,000 homes lost power in the northern parts and three people were killed, but they were all a silly billies who had gone out to sea when the metservice were issuing severe storm warnings.
Have a nice weekend everycat and bean.
Poppy Q
Friday, July 25, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
A Big Shout Out
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Today a Taste of Spring
Look what we found in our garden!! Something thinks it is spring already - and we must admit with clear blue skies and a warm warm day it felt like it. Mum was even able to get out after work and pull out a few weeds - only a million more to go mum.
The clear weather however means a big winter blast will be tucked up behind it, just to remind us that it really is wintertime.
Poppy Q
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Taking my own advice
Daisy, I never ever sleep under the covers. The electric blanket we have goes under our bottom sheet but is so hot it heats up the whole bed. I guess you wouldn't need one in Florida?
Poppy Q
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Another Winters Trick
Friday, July 18, 2008
Great Discovery
I have made a great discovery - Mums laps are good places to have a snooze!! When my mum picked me up from the breeder lady, she was told that British Shorthair cats are not lapcats. So mum tried to encourage me to sit on her knee, by giving me a couple of treats. Usually I would just get me two or ten treats, and then jump straight off. But, for the last week I have come and sat on my mums knee for sometimes even fifteen jillion minutes.
Poppy the kneewarmer Q
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Remembering Puss Angel
Monday, July 14, 2008
Oh noes
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Snoozing unday
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Sad sad news
Holiday snaps
These are the hot pools that mum went to on a cold cold day. They are heated by vocanic underwater springs, so it is like swimming in a hot hot bath. They also had a sweet calico cat that lives there, and sleeps on the concrete in the sun. She got scared away by some kids before mum could take a photo of her.
Also mum went down the dragon slide, even though her freinds were too scared. She didn't get a photo of that either.
Poppy Q
Friday, July 11, 2008
More working cats
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Holiday Cats
Mu Shue Pooh King Cat

This is our brave friend Mu Shue Pooh King Cat - his mom says he very poorly and thinks he will have to go to the bridge. He lived with his mum Laura for 12 years and was a great boy for her. Several months ago there was a fire at their apartment building and Mu Shue looked after his cat sisters Lilly and Iris, keeping them safe until they could be rescued. Then two weeks ago, his mom had her beautiful twin babies, and although Mu Shue was sick, he knew that his mom and her babies were safe and would be looked after.
We are purring for you Mu shue and we wish you a safe journey, we know all your family and friends will miss you but we know you are tired and are ready to go. When it is our turn we know we will see you one day at the bridge, playing with all of our other friends.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Cooler Meme
We got tagged for this cool meme by our friend Millie, to show you our frosty box.
The rules are:Show us a photo of the front of your Cold Box and tell us about at least one thing on it and one thing you keep inside of it! Tag your friends and remember to stay COOL! And no fair cleaning it up first!!!
Our frosty box, has a postcard from Italy on it, a picture of me, some wee cat magnets and three whale magnets. Little bean visitors like to push the magnets around. Inside, we have lots of frozen meat. Mum says she should go on an archaeological dig inside and we should use up all the stuff, as it is costing more and more in the shops to buy groceries, we should use our old supplies first (she has been saying that for some time).
I am glad I only like cat food, served fresh at every meal.
We tag our friends at Mach Cats, SophieKitty ,Sebastian and Yaffa, Pablo , and Jans Funny Farm to break out pictures of their cold box.