Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Moving Boxes are Fun
Monday, November 29, 2010
Summer Weekend Holiday
We hear that many of our friends up north are having snowy cold days, and thought you would like to see the sunny place mum went to at the weekend. She went to New Plymouth, a beachy surfing town about 5 hours drive north from where we live. It was super hot - summer has arrived a touch early.
She went with her besties to see this guy - Jack Johnson. His concert was awesome, he is one of the few artists mum has seen who is much better live than on CD, and she admires that he donates 100% of his concert profits to charity - yeah for him, coz really once you get really rich, there is no need to be flashy like so many celebrities. He wasn't a chatty cathy, he just got on the stage and sung and then went home.
I was meant to go to the cattery, but mum couldn't catch me - hahahaha!!!! So I gotted to stay home two nights by myself and two bowls of biscuits, mum says she hopes I didn't eat them all on the first day. I furred up her bed, and am now snuggled on the bed next to her.
Sweet dreams everybuddy!!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Friday Fit Club - And a Big Night Out

Because Gdad stayed and helped mum take a car load of stuff to the dump, she treated him to a dinner out, and then to go and see the Ukelele Ochestra of Great Britain. They were AWESOME, and both of them enjoyed the concert immensley.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
With Gdad visiting, I have been very shy and hiding outside. I sneaked in tonight, and am curled up on this spot on mums bed. Mum said I am in a deep sleep, tired from being outside all day.
Mum and Gdad went out to a show on Wednesday night. Today was Gdads birthday, so they went to the museum to see a lot of old paintings (they should have bought home the Renoir), and ate both lunch and dinner out, and went shopping.
Things have been quiet though, as the whole country is in shock at the Mining disaster here, and our thoughts go out to the families of all 29 men.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Wordy Wednesday
We runned out of time to post on Tuesday, as Gdad came down to help mum out with her packing. They had a good time catching up, then they went and bought some bags for mums clothes and blankets, and Gdad helped mum get in a big load of shopping. She was able to get some nice juices and breads, so that they have plenty to nibble on while they are working.
Catch up with you all soon.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Sad Sunday

The cat blogosphere has tears in its eyes this weekend. We lost our sweet friend Ingio, and Patches. Ingio lived in my city with his brofur, and Rumblemum and Dad. We know that their hearts must be breaking, and they will be missing their handsome boy.
New Zealand is also holding its breath, today is the third day of 29 of our own miners being trapped after a gas explosion at a South Island mine. Our thoughts are with all their families and we hope that rescuers will be able to go in soon.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Friday Fit Club - Saturday Edition
We missed Friday Fit club yesterday, as we were so excited it was the weekend.
This week, mum has kept me on a mix of old biscuits and obesity ones, let me have the fancy feasts, and spent quite a bit of time playing with me. She is also trying to cut down on my secret snacks - temptations, now I am only allowed two at a time.
Mum has bought herself lots of fresh fruits and veg at the market. At work, she buys a ham/egg/salad sandwich on wholemeal/grain bread, and a piece of fruit and has cut out buying any biscuits or fruit juices. She fills her water bottle and drinks that all day.
** My vet told me I had to lose 0.5 kg by April, which is in six months time and is a 10% loss. So mum is joining me, and trying to make healthy choices too!!
Have a nice weekend everybody.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Toasty warm
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
I is helping my mum chose which linen goes on the bed today. It was sunny, then cloudy, hot then cool today. Mum sorted out two cupboards and filled up the wheelie bins with rubbish, cooked tea, watched mad men and is now on call til 8am Monday morning.
We hope you had a great weekend and got lots of chores/relaxing done.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Friday Fit Club
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Toesie Tuesday
Monday, November 8, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
Friday Fit Club
Thanks for all the comments about my svelte figure, it sure was nice of you all. As you can see I am not Harry Houdini, I was trapped in my PTU.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Our nicest vet, Dr Natalie looked after me when I went to the V-E-T on Tuesday. She said I was a bit F-A-T, and have to have these biscuits with the lovely name (see yesterdays post). I have 6 months to lose 10% of my weight, before I has to go back for my biggest loser weigh in.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Sunny Staycation
Yippee - today we had sunshines on our staycation, and mum got no pictures. We had visitors this morning, so I hid under the house, then I came back in when they went. Mum went out for lunch, came home for a half hour, and then went out to tea. So I snubbed her tonight!!
The forecast is for sunshines for the next two days, so we are going to enjoy it!!