Staying home alone was good for me, mum was sure that I looked slimmer when she got home. She left me lots of biscuits and water, but no temptations. Hiding out in the garden is good too, as it keeps me active, looking for the perfect shady spot to laze the day away.

This week mum did her first weigh in - and she weighs too much, she wants to see the scale go down. She doesn't believe in diets as such, but is trying to eat healthier. She has been making lots of salads like this one, and eating more!! More you say, well more vegetables and fruit to fill you up. She doesn't eat much processed stuff or takeaways anyway, and is trying to not eat as much pasta, rice or bread.
Packing boxes, chucking out stuff and moving things around is her main focus at the moment, and that is keeping mum moving, and giving me lots of boxes to sit in. Eat less and move more is the trick we think!
***My vet said I had to lose 10% of my body weight by April, so mum is joining me in an effort to be healthier. We're not about the crazy or obsessive fad or diets, we're just making little changes slowly.