Sunday, December 5, 2010

Not Hot

Yesterday was hot, today was not!!

That is my poem. Mum has been working again today, and has to do about 20 minutes call, so is taking a quick packing vote to help me with the blog. She says she still has lots to do, but will try and get some done every day, and is trying to be ruthless. Go mum!!


  1. Buut its SUNday, how can it not be hot on Sunday?????

  2. If only we lived nearby -- our mom would offer to help! Especially with any culling of "stuff." LOL. She IS ruthless! :-)

  3. Poppy, after we moved house halfway across the country Mommy & Daddy were still amazed at how much stuff they hauled. The charity shops got TONS of donations!
    Tell your Mum that ruthless is good.

  4. Hi Pretty Poppy - you should come to East Sussex the snow here will soon cool you down. FAZ

  5. Can your mum come over and help our mum cull the junk? We hope your packing is easy :)

  6. Best of luck with the move; it is tough, but hang in there, Mum and enjoy a restful Sunday, Poppy...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  7. Our weather is not hot either!
    We hope your Mom is getting a bit of peace and quiet during all this work.

  8. Poppy you are a very clever poet!

    Go Julie - be ruthless.

    Love Leanne

  9. Keep a check on your mum's ruthlessness dear Poppy. The worst thing is tossing something in the rubbish one week and then having to go and buy a new one a week later.

  10. Hi, Poppy. I am stopping by and I caught up on about a week's worth of your posts. Moving boxes and such are exciting for you! Where will you be moving to? I am a curious cat, you know!

  11. I hope that things get done at your place. You are going to need a major rest after all this activity on the part of your person!

  12. Poppy, your mom sounds very busy! And ruthless! It's good to cull the junk now and again ;)

  13. Well, your mom is focusing and getting her things done. I know that sort of thing makes my mom happy too.
    You are being a great helper of course!


  14. It's not hot here either. It worries me if Mom moves stuff especially out the door.

  15. Never mind Poppy, bet it is hotter there than it is here.

  16. It is hard to get it all done and work and be on call!

  17. Poppy, you look a bit crabbilated today. Hope your day gets better.

  18. Too bad I lives around the world from you Poppy because I likes to point with my paw and could help your Mum by pointing to which pile to put stuff on (keep or not). Good lucks with the packing and with the move.

  19. Oh! How I wish my mom would do my blog everyday!

    You are a very good poet!
