Saturday, December 11, 2010

Moving Day

Moving Day has happened. Our movers were good, they were early, the company had said they would be here between 10.30am and 11.30, and were here at 10am. Luckily mums besties came and helped her our and were super awesome. Everything mum owned was on the truck by 11.10 am and now it is locked up in the storage.

I went and hid under the house, but came in once everybody was gone. It happened so fast, and was so busy, that mum failed to pull out the camera, but actually she didn't know where she put the camera.

So after a trip to the dump, mum collapsed on the couch and then vacumned the floors, and is now catching up on Masterchef Australia, while planning her canned spagetti toasted sandwich for tea. Or will she go and get a kebab? It is hard now the toaster and the microwave are gone.


  1. Wow ! this is amazing moving. I'm not surprise why your mom collapse on the couch, she must super exhausted !
    I hope all of you able to find something to fill your tummy. Poor Mom

  2. Ohhh no! Your poor mummy, give her a little cuddle. This 'moving' thing doesn't sound very nice at all.

  3. This all sounds very exciting! We all moved a little over four years ago and it was quite an ordeal! I remember being so frightened when my human put me in the car to take me to our new house! It felt like forever getting there, but I am told it was only three blocks.

  4. Oh! I hopes you are ok Poppy! I thinks I would hide for a long time if I had to move!

  5. WE're glad it's all going well but it still sounds very stressful, Poppy. Take good care of your Mummy!

  6. Wow, that was fast! Good lucky camping out!

  7. We are getting ready to move, too! We ate the mess, the boxes and the stress.

  8. Oh sweet Poppy and mummy too! THAT part is over and soon...the hew home and then all will be settled.

  9. Wow! That sounded exhausting just readin it.

  10. Talk about good movers. The house must seem funny now with nothing in it.

  11. oh wow so is like everything gone but a little furnature? are you takeing that with you? whens the final move day? make sure you dont leave any toys unda the fridge!

  12. Wow, what a whirlwind! We are excited about your new home Poppy!

  13. WOW! That happened quickly! We are excited to see your new digs Poppy. Just a week of camping and off you go!
    Um, they left your Fancy Feast, right?

  14. Sounds like the moving went pretty well. But your mom must be soooo exhausted! I hope she finds her camera.
    I love the must be much easier if you can move the whole house like that :-)

  15. They didn't take away your Fancy Feast, did they?
    It was very nice of your mum's besties to come and help with the move. Are you and your mum excited about your new home? Will you be in by Christmas or will it be a new years treat. Have you been to the new place yet, Poppy?
    Enjoy in house camping with your mum. Love to you.

  16. your mum must be exhausted after all that. Time for some snuggles!

  17. Hope the rest of the move goes OK. Mum says it isn't fun.
