Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Sunday Thanks

Yesterday we talked about the fools that are taking up stealing in Christchurch after the earrthquake, well the justice system has been swift for once, and showing their names and faces on television and in the papers to shame them. Shame on them.
For all the idiots though, we are thankful for the many more folks who are helping out, ordinary folks making a difference, all of the volunteers. The search and rescue teams that have come from around the world to help search for survivors and bodies, the police who have traveled from around NZ and 300 from Australia to help out. All the civil defense and red cross workers who are helping locals with food, water and shelter. The 15,000 students who have organised themselves to help out ordinary people who need their gardens and homes cleared. New Zealanders from all around the country who have volunteered the use of their spare bedrooms and homes for displaced families and their pets. We thank you all.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
I am sitting beside mum rowwwing at her, so that she feeds me my fancy feast.
The news has come on, and they have updated that they have found 145 bodies in Christchurch so far, but we still have close to a further 200 people missing including many oveseas visitors.
Mum and her dad, and brother and his family are due to go to Christchurch for the national Marching championships in mid march, but mum thinks that it won't be going ahead. It won't be safe to take so many girls and their families to the area.
Anyway that is the least of our worries, our thoughts are still with everybody in Christchurch.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Have you heard that in Christchurch, in the midst of this huge disaster, stupid people have been breaking into homes and stealing stuff, including the home of one of the women killed in a big building collapse. Obviously, they don't have manners like me - see, I wait to be asked in before I come in the door.
We think that these low life criminals should be put in stocks and pelted with all kinds of nasties. Just saying.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
As you can imagine, we have been glued to the tv, watching the coverage, and like most New Zealanders we can't believe what we are seeing.
We are grateful for all the search and rescue teams that have already arrived in Christchurch from all around the world. We hope that their expertise will help to find more people and return them to their families.
Thanks again for your support - it means a lot to us all.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
We are all in shock, all around our little country. Searchers have been arriving from around the country and the world, as there are approx 300 people missing, mostly in the central city of Christchurch.
Mum normally has a survival kit at every house she lives in, but needs to organise her one for our new house. We need supplies so that we could camp outside and look after ourselves for a few days if a disaster like this one happened.
Thanks for all of your good thoughts and concern. Our little country could use it.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
It has been a hot seven or so days, so mum has had the sprinklers on the garden, she even got out and mowed the small patch of grass at the back, and picked up the weeds. I snoopervised from the bedroom.
Just thought, that our friends who are buried in snow still, might like to know that we will be sleeping light tonight.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Sorry Sweeties

Sorry sweeties, we didn't mean to trick you yesterday with our blank movie. We really thought we had posted a cute video we saw on Friday night. Not to worry, you get to see my pretty face today instead.
Mum worked at the weekend, so I got to guard the big house. On Saturday, I got to spend ten hours outside, coz I ran away when mum tried to lock me in. I did just hang around though, and I was waiting for her when she got home.
As for the naughty boys, that lived behind me, well I have nice neighbours now, who don't bother us, and mum thinks I haven't been back to the old place. It is good being at the quiet end of the street.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
Friday Fit Club

Now, we know we haven't done a Friday Fit Club post for a while. You know, coz of the move and all that stuff. As you know, I got sent to the fat farm for 6 weeks, and well - I came back half a kilo lighter. So that makes me almost at my goal weight. My vet will be happpppy we hope.

Now mum is trying to get motivated as she needs to keep up with the vegies and fruit, and keep moving more. Go mum - I know you can lose 10% too.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Same Street

Yes my friends, we did just move up the street when we did our big move this year. It wasn't too simple, as we had to be out of our new house by Christmas, but this one wasn't free until the end of January.
Luckily, mum got asked to dog and house sit, but thought the best option for me was the cattery/fat farm that I went to. As it turned out, I had a great time, as I had a holiday in the country, and mum got to have a wee holiday by the beach, and made a new friend of Chicky dog.
So our new house, is only 4 houses away from our old one and on the same side of the street. Believe it or not, it is the third house in the same street that mum has lived in.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Furriends Over

This morning, mum heard a crash in the bushes at the front of the house, besides her bedroom. When she checked she had her keys, she popped her head outside and found me with the cat from number 6 (we live at number 10), and we were playing together.
When we lived at number 2, we were friends, so mum is pleased that we are getting along well again, and I have a friend in the neighbourhood to hang with. Mum isn't sure if my friend is a boy or a girl, or what her/his name is. We know that this cutie is young, as he/she was a little kitten only about 6 months ago.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Hapy Valentines Day to you all!!

Happy Valentines Day to all of my friends - we send you hearts. Mum made this special photo for her Chicky Dog. Mum looked after him for 6 weeks over Christmas, and he was a good boy, even though he bit her dads finger on the first night, but that was only because he was scared. Mum got lots of cuddles from this boy, and he was very good company for her in the big house sitting house. Mum missses him, but is glad that his family are back and he is getting lots of loves.
Hope you all get lots of love and cuddles today.
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Mum and I have been away. She got to see this guy play, with the NZ symphony orchestra, with her besties in her home town. She says it was hot, hot, hot out in the sun all afternoon. They got there at 2pm, and he played at 8pm. He singing was awesome, and he was a good entertainer, which many groups or singers forget to be.
So lots of shopping, and walking, and eating and travelling, and now mum is glad to be home.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Dog VS Cat
Over the holiday period, when I was in prison, my mum house and dog sat. She said after 5 weeks of picking up puppy poops, she only dry retched once. She says that whatever I am producing in the dirtbox is lethal, and makes her a little like heaving every day. If armies are looking for weapons of mass destruction, mum reckons this stuff would clear a room pretty quickly.
She can't wait for me to figure out how to use the cat door, so I can take my toileting outside. In the meantime she is clearing out the litterbox, night and day.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Escape Hatch
Monday, February 7, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Leaky Eyes

We have just heard the saddest news on this, our Sunday night. Our sweet friend Mr Tabbydude Pabs got his calling to the bridge. He was one tough fella, dealing with the kidney disease and all, but his struggling had gone on long enuf. Sweet Kate and Nick, with their young blurby boy, had given him a great life in Tassie Australia, and they were with him at the end.
Run free at the bridge Mr Pabs. It has been an honour to know you and call you our friend.

Where did the weekend go? It has been busy, mum and her friend went off to a big country fair yesterday, and then spent Saturday night helping me find the outsides.
Today was a lazy day, with not much done except a few chores, then mum went to see Black Swan, she said it was ok, rather loud and quite dark. It is 8.49pm and mum is still cooking her dinner!!
Hope you all had a nice weekend too.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011
Hello Hallway

Let me show you more of our house.

I'm not allowed outside yet, but mum says it won't be long til I can explore the garden. My new cat door gets put in on Monday, which will be great.
We are enjoying settling in, and even though we have piles of boxes and bags to sort out, we are pacing ourselves.

I'm not allowed outside yet, but mum says it won't be long til I can explore the garden. My new cat door gets put in on Monday, which will be great.
Thanks for my nice welcomes bac, you are all awesome.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Let the Tour Begin ..............................

Let us begin to show you around our new house. We are going to spread it out over a few days, as we need to share lots of photos with you.

This is where I will be based. Mum knew I would miss my old window seat, so she has created me a new one, with lots of squishy blankies piled on top. My window looks out onto a little garden and the street, so I sat and waited for mum to come home and yowled at her.

In the bedroom is this other bed, that I has to share with my mum. You can see I have been helping refur the bedding.
Thanks for looking around, and we will show you more rooms soon.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
I'm Back!!!

Hi Everybuddy, I missed you all but wanted to say that I am excited to be back with my mum and in our new house. I have only been home for two days, and we have been waiting for our internets to be connected. I have been hiding under her bed, and under the kitchen cupboards, venturing out occasionally to catch a nap on my mums bed, or my new window bed.
We have sooo much to catch up on, as we haven't had a real chance to read all of our bogging friends. We hope you all have had a lovely holiday break with lots of treats.
Oooooooooooooooooches of smooches to you all.
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