Monday, April 12, 2021


 Today was a sunshiney day and we tried to soak up the sunbeams as rainy Autumnal weather has been forecast for the days ahead.  Mums day off is tomorrow so she has made herself some plans and booked some tickets.  She'll fill you in on Tuesday.  


  1. I skipped into town earlier..
    To~days the day that the non essential
    shops can open..Charity shops etc...
    Town was quite busy, lots of people
    l had'nt seen in months..Gossip! Gossip! :).
    Suns out to, nice and warm, so a very
    pleasant morning, though, no sit down in the
    cafes yet..27th May that'll be..! :(.
    But! Were getting there..AND! AND! a haircut
    this week..Phew! :).

    1. Willie, that sounds like a wonderful change for you.
      Nice to see you can see people a little easier.

  2. Sunshine! Plans! Tickets! Wow, that all sounds wonderful! :-)

  3. Poppy, I bet this means you get a trip too. Just not with mum.
    Sunshine looks good. We have 2 days of rain. But we had 6 days
    of sun, which can be unheard of here in Spring.

  4. We just had two days of rain, so your sunny spot sounds good. I hope Mum enjoys herself.

  5. Our days are getting warmer but the nights are still below freezing. Spring seems late in coming here. I'll bet you hope autumn is likewise there.
