Monday, May 2, 2011

May Monday

 I love to sit outside, especially for a couple of hours around mid day when our backyard gets some sunshines.  The sun has moved over, and is hidden by the hill behind us, so it disapears around 2pm.

The forecast for the upcoming week though is for a lot of rain.  Still for May, we haven't been too chilly yet.

The warm temperatures we have been having, have convinced some of our plants to start flowering again, giving us some nice bursts of colour around the garden.

Mum says thanks for the well wishes, she is taking lots of vitamin c with plenty of mandarins and kiwifruit every day and lots of water.  Unfortunately she has to return to work today after 10 days off.


  1. It's good to know we can set our Sun Clock by you, Miss Q.

  2. It was rain this morning before my mom left home, and could you believe she locked me inside and now it's nice and sunshine !!! and I'm still locked in !!!! Seems I got no chance like you today : (

    And I hope get better so soon

  3. That is quite lovely there! You are lucky!

  4. I am glad your human is feeling better, Poppy!

  5. it is really cool here for May! WE are also getting some rain and hail!

  6. I hope your mum is feeling better Poppy. Mine is sick this week and stayed home with me today.

  7. Our mom is groaning about being at work just after the regular 2 days off. Ten days' holiday would make it that much harder. We hope your mum feels 100% again very soon!

    -Fuzzy Tales

  8. It's lovely getting some good autumn sunshines. We've also been quite lucky here. We hope yours lasts, Pops :)

  9. We hope yoor mommy is feeling better. Have a great week.

  10. Hope your mum is feeling better soon! Oh, and wins the lottery so she doesn't have to go back to work!
    ~Lisa Co9T

  11. you look so lovely in your beautiful garden!
