Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Treat Tuesday

 Mum figured out on her roster that she has the next 5 Tuesdays off work and decided to make them Treat Tuesdays.  Today she didn't feel like spending money, so she did things for herself ar home.

- started a new library book

- hair mask and facial scrub

- watched a movie while knitting on the couch

- took a nap

- chicken schnitzel and salad for dinner

I got a good brushing, a feast, lots of kisses and some temptations - so treats for me too.


  1. Sounds like your mum had a great Tuesday off work. You be sure she sticks to this Tuesday schedule for a few weeks Poppy.

  2. What a good idea - and it's off to a fine start, too.

  3. poppy q...thiz izza win win for ewe N mum { tho bout that chckn for dinner ~~~~~


  4. Sounds like a wonderful day for you both.

  5. That sounds like a treat-tastic Tuesday, for sure, Poppy. We are glad you and Mum had such a good day together.

  6. Sounds perfect. That looks like Robert Redford. Hope you get nice fine Tuesdays. It’s gloomy down here. 🥰
