My friends Harley and Maya at
A Cat Called Harley , gave me this super award - thank you friends.
1. Thank the friend who gave you the award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award on to 10 bloggers that you think are fantastic and that you just discovered.
7 things about me:
1. I don't like any people food, cept sometimes I will try the tiniest bit of raw chicken, or a wee dab of margarine.
2. I seldom crawl under blankets, I like to sleep on top and get some air.
3. Sometimes in the morning, I like to run around the house and wait on the front step and wait for mum to come out. Then I run down the steps and roll around on the footpath outside.
4. When mum comes home, I am usually waiting and watching at a window or on the front doorstep.
5. I am grey all over, cept for my pink tongue and amber eyes.
6. I don't like to be picked up or cuddled, but might come and sit on your knee, but only for 5 minutes at the most.
7. Even though I have a cat door, and can go outside whenever I want, I has never runned away and always come home. Even when I was camping cat and slept outside in the summer, I was always in my back yard.
We pass this along to all of our blogging friends.
Have a nice week everybuddy.
This is my bird watching site, under the fern.