Saturday, February 4, 2012

Noo Bed

 This is Poppy Q headquaters now.  I have taken over mums desk in the spare room.  She has made me a little bed, and cos I have spent the past six nites here, she has padded it up, so that I can stare out the window.
It gives me a view of the neighbours and their little garden.  Mum likes to come home and tap on the window to let me know she's back.

Have a good weekend everybuddy.


  1. That looks like a great spot, Poppy! It looks really comfy, too. Enjoy!`

  2. That is a good place to have your bed Poppy. You will be able to see everything that is going on from there.

  3. Aww thats realy nice of your mum to do that and you have the purfect spot to watch from... Hugs GJ xx

  4. THat is very nice of Mom to fix up Poppy Q Headquarters!

  5. Special beds for us, well, we deserve them.

  6. Looks like the perfect spot, Poppy! Lucky girl to have such a nice Mum!

  7. That looks like a cozy little spot for you, Poppy Q!

  8. That is a cozy spot with a great view, lovely Poppy=we bet you get to watch awesome Bird TV!!...Happy weekend, sweet friend…xoxo…Calle, Halle, Sukki

  9. ... now that she's made it special, I bet you move to somewhere else... gotta keep the people guessing. :-)
