Monday, October 11, 2010

Chilly Monday

Today we had a wild cold blast from Antartica, that reminded us it was only spring and it could still be chilly, and not to rush wearing short sleeves and shorts. Mum braved the wind, rain and hail to go out for dinner with her dad. Gdad was in town for some meetings so mum and him had a tasty dinner, then mum got groceries coz she can't sleep well with only a half a toilet roll in the house.

On her way home, while at the bus stop she watched a largish pigeon wandering up the street looking for food. It was 9.30pm and he should have been at home at the pigeon house, instead of wandering the streets, so mum took a slice of bread from her loaf in her grocery bag and broke it up and let him have a late night feast.

Awww mum you softie, now you are really looking like a mad middle aged women, out on the streets feeding the birds.


  1. Awww Pops, you are a lucky girl to have such a lovely mum. We bet that pigeon slept real well that night!

  2. As long as she wasn't singing the song from Mary Poppins... feed the birds, tuppence, feed the birds.

  3. Aw, we think your mum is wonderful to feed the pigeon!

    We hope your weather improves, Poppy, and that you get sunshine and warmth today!

  4. ha ha ... your Mom is kind... (and we know what she means about the comfort of having sufficient loo rolls). Love Darcy and Bingley xx

  5. Your mommy is kind to all animals..that's the wonderful way she is.

    You are looking particularly gorgeous today, PoppyQ!

  6. Poppy, that crack about your Mom made us laugh! That pigeon sure waddled past the right human that night!

  7. Hey PoppyQ, that was a great story, that birdie will be talking about that for a while!

  8. Poppy we think it is super sweet that your mom gave that pigeon some bread! IT was very lucky to run into her!

    We hope that the weather gets warmer and stays warmer there soon!

  9. That was good of your Mum. Stay warm and dry Poppy Q.

  10. Poppy, I think your Mom should make a nice calendar with your wonderful pictures!

  11. Your mum has a good heart, Poppy. That is something that is all too rare on today world. Be very proud of her, dear girl, It seems sad that our mum's have to even think about being branded as middle aged bird feeders when they perform simple acts of kindness. Thank God for a mum that does the right thing.

    Our mum now wants a gray hairy rug like yours. She says she isn't sure if it isn't just because you look so adorable sitting on it. She's been needing a change and loves what your mum has done with her decorating.
    Todays photo of you is one of the most adorable ever!
    Beauty and sweetness personified. Love to you

  12. I think that was nice of your human to give the bird something to eat. Not mad at all.

  13. That's an extra-cute photo of you, Poppy!

    We think that it was very sweet of your Mum to give that pigeon some bread.

  14. LOL we had ducks hang out in the car park of supermarket - I too opened up our bread & fed them - mmm must be a middle age thing GRIN.
    Laura cat is living inside & she loves bread, she ripped open a pack yesterday while we were not looking. I hope Poppy you wouldn't do that.

    Love the photo!

    Love Leanne

    PS doesn't your mum have paper towels grin?

  15. Mr. Pigeon had a full tummy! That was very kind of you Mum, we don't think she's the least bit crazy.

  16. That was great of your Mom to feed the pigeon.

  17. Great photo, lovely Poppy!..So sweet of your Mum to feed the pigeon...Happy week, precious friend...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  18. aww, look at that sweet face and huggable poppy body! and your mum is in the prime of her life and not mad but kindhearted to feed mr/ms pigeon like that!

  19. So good of your Mom to feed a hungry pigeon. Our weather is easing into cooler temps for Fall. Summer is over here I hope.

  20. Your mum was very kind to that pigeon Poppy. If we had seen him we would have invited him in for supper.

  21. It's photos like this that made Rusty fall in love with Poppy. It's posts like this that keep me coming back.

  22. Mum feeds the birdies, but not in th middle of the street from her grocery bag.

  23. I'll bet that pigeon is looking for your mom right now. Your mom is a sweet soul, Poppy. I love your new picture.

  24. That was sooo sweet of your mom to feed the pigeon!! Most beans wouldn't have cared.
