Monday, August 15, 2011

Snow Day

We know that many of our friends live with piles of snow all winter.  Well we don't get much, just every ten years or so on the high hills surrounding Wellington.  But not like this, not on our street which is at sea level and not at the zoo which is about five minutes drive from our house.  The poor lions and chimps are chilly!!

When mum walked home from work, there it was hail and thunder and lightning.  Exciting!!


  1. Exciting and kinda skeery! Stay warm and cozy Poppy! Purrs.

  2. Lucky you our mum says, she misses the snow since moving to Australia.
    We haven't seen it, and, don't want to.
    Frozen paws.............No thank you!

    Spirit n Pixie n Tarmie ♥

  3. Wow! This is making me wonder what OUR winter is going to be like this time around!

  4. OMC !!! Wicked Weather !
    Please Take Care

  5. Yikes! We understand it's very scary and dangerous for you there, when no one is accustomed to the snow and to such cold weather. We hope it warms up for you soon, Poppy!

  6. Our blizzard of last February had what they called "thunder snow". It was lightening and thundering during the blinding blizzard! Crazy weather! Hoping you don't get so much it paralyses you from going out!

  7. Stay warm!! Make sure to snuggle up to your humans for extra warmth!

  8. Weird weather! Tell your Mum to walk carefully on the slickery streets!

  9. Oh those poor big cats! Stay warm and safe!

  10. I love snow which isn't common here to us. I loved the white Christmas 2010 we got, rare here. I was as excited as any child. Take care in your wacky weather.

  11. So funny how it's hot, hot, hot here and snowing on the other side of the planet! Stay warm, friend.

  12. They showed the snow yoo are having on our TV news ~ it looked amazing. Stay safe Poppy.

  13. Poor Zoo animals! We hope you all stay warm and safe!

  14. The poor zoo animals! We hope no one is lost. The birdies really suffer. And we hope your house is staying nice and warm too. What interesting weather though. Quite an experience.

  15. Sorry you gots snow, at least it isn't so deep that you have to dig out. Hope it all melts soonest. Stay warm.

  16. Stay warm and hope it doesn't last!!
