Tuesday, March 8, 2022


When mum went to the cinema the other day the building opposite had all these mannequins in the window.  She thinks it is part of the design school here.  

Tonight is super busy for mum.  It may not even be a midnight feast for me, it might go on even later than that.  I've got a big bowl of biscuits and fresh water so I won't starve, but I'll be ready as soon as she gets in the door.


  1. poppy Q; we just sent yur way via: soooooper fast reel lee quik hurry up dee liveree; 12 tinz oh feast

    ....... just....in....case ☺☺♥♥

    hope mums shift doez knot run two late !

  2. Oh Poppy, that sounds like such a long night! Best to you and Mum.

  3. We sure hope you did not have to wait too long, Poppy!

  4. Hope your mum gets home at a good time for your foods.

  5. I hope it wasn't a very late night for your mum, Poppy, or for you.

  6. Yikes. They look scary. Not my idea of art. Don’t have nightmares Poppy.
