Monday, July 11, 2011

Purring for Jack

On Monday we are thinking of our sweet friend Jack at   Lisa Lisa and the Cat JamJack and his sister Baby were adopted by their mum together a few years ago, and have got to live their senior years in comfort and a life full of love.  Jack has been sick lately but been oh so brave, but the calling to the bridge is strong and we think that he might be ready to join our friends there soon.  We are purring for you all sweet friends.


  1. Purrs and prayers more for Jack !
    I really keeps him in my thought
    Love him, and Hugs to his family

  2. Thanks so much for thinking of Jack, and our whole family. Jack could surprise us and get good marks, you never know. But he does seem to struggle so.

  3. Purrs and prayers for Jack from us too ♥♥♥

  4. Jack has been in our thoughts too, and we're purring for him and his mom Lisa.

  5. Love and purrs for Jack and his family. It is very sad noos.

  6. We are joining you in purrs for Jack.

  7. Lots of purrs for Jack and his family. HUGS too.

  8. WE are purring for Jack and his family!

  9. We will be praying and purring for Jack and his family. May God bless him. All of our love and strength comming his way.

  10. I am purring for Jack and his family too. Jack hung in there for a really long time after he was diagnosed.

  11. Oh, Jack, you're a beautiful boy. Purrs for you, fella.

  12. Sadly, Jack did leave for the bridge today. So many are going lately. :(
