Thursday, June 28, 2012

Crispy Night

Last night mum was on call.  She was in at work from 11pm to 3.20am.  It was rather frotsty, and she just got under the covers and was reading her book to settle her mind down, when her phone rang again at 3.30am.  So she got up and put her clothes back on, and went back to work.  I got up with her and followed her down to the end of our street.

Mum didn't get back til 5.20am, but I was still outside waiting for her.  It always makes mum laugh cos I am very loud at meowing at her and welcoming her home, and she is worried that it will wake up all the neighbours. 

So - we finally got back to bed at 6am for a couple of hours sleep, mum went back to work for an hour or so, and then we get to have the evening together.  Mum will have an early night, which will work for me too.


  1. Your human works some crazy hours, Poppy!

  2. Oh, Julie! I just don't know how you do it!

    And Poppy, you are a perfect little greeter! Of course you are!

  3. We would much rather be woken up by your hello meows than by the crazy poodles who live next door to us.

    We hope your mum gets a more restful night tonight!

    P.S. Lishy would probably get a tattoo of himself on his muscular little forearm. That's just what he is like. Funnily enough though, when he got snipped he didn't get an ear tattoo because he was too sickly and they didn't want to stress his system any more than strictly necessary.

  4. Poppy, we think your mum has a tough work schedule. We sure hope she gets her early night today!

  5. Such a loyal kitty, Poppy, waiting outside for your mum's return. You deserve some very special treaties.
    Love and kisses to you, dear girl.

  6. that is a long night on a little sleep!

  7. And we thought our mom worked long hours. That's so nice of you to greet your mom as she comes home.

  8. your poor mommeh, that is teh stinkiest work schedule evar. and poor you, how can you gives your mommeh up that way?! no wunner you meow so loud when she gets back.

  9. Snuggle time, mum couldn't do "on call" anymore. She needs lots of sleeps and not interrupted sleeps.

  10. Good thing your Mom has got you to snuggle with when she gets home from the late shift, Poppy. Cozy cat cuddles are the best!!
