Monday, March 20, 2017


It was cloudy here today, and mum was thinking on the way to work about last week's flights.  She got a few shots out the planes windows.  She thinks there is something magical about flying above the clouds seeing them floating above the patchwork earth.

Me - I'didn't rather have my paws on the floor.


  1. That is a lovely photo though Poppy!x
    Nice to see the clouds from a different angle!
    And, yes, best if you keep your paws on the
    floor...! :).

  2. That's a great shot your mum got, Poppy, though like you, we prefer to have our paws on the ground! (And our biped prefers her feet on the ground, thank you very much.)

  3. It does look magical, but there are even higher clouds. Your mum was between two layers, away from the world...

  4. It is fun to look out of a plane window and see the clouds and the shadows they make on the ground!

  5. I've flown many times, but I've never gotten to look out the window at the clouds. My human thinks it might freak me out!

  6. Mum likes to see clouds too, from top and bottom.

  7. Very pretty photo Poppy's mum. Our mom bean loves to look out the windows when she flies too.

  8. Miss Poppy, Me too ! I'm a fan of the ground.
    Bon Voyage to your mom =^x^=
