Sunday, September 26, 2021

Daylight Savings

 Daylight Savings started this morning so mum knows it us going to be another reason for her to be tired this week.  She watched The Secret Life of Pets 2 last night and this scene perfectly pictured how she felt this morning. 


  1. Thanks so much Poppy. I have been quite ill and while improving today had no idea it was daylight saving. I thought my battery clock was running slow and put a new battery in it and adjusted the time from my iPad. I love daylight saving. To have longer evenings was always great when I could garden. Love the drawing ♥️

  2. We won't change to fall back and hour until the First weekend in November.
    We wait til after Halloween for kids to get out in better light. But I
    won't like the darkness by 5 pm. Glad yours is to get longer light sooner.

  3. Oh, your poor mum. Daylight savings is always a rough one. We can imagine it's even worse with your mum's schedule. Hugs.

  4. Our time change doesn't come until early November. I did not wake mum up this morning.
