Thursday, September 30, 2021


 Mum and I had a good evening.  She made 10 mask extenders for some of her colleagues.   She enjoyed her dinner - roast pork, kumara, pumpkin, carrots and green beans.   She has been a bit bored with her meals lately.   A bit like me and my feasts too.  Mum worries about my appetite.  It's not like it used to be  but I still eat and beg for my feast every evening.   I just only eat about 1/4 when it's dished up and go back for a little nibble later on.  


  1. Poppy it looks as if you have Sunshine out the window. While you Lounge on the bed with your favorite bag. Some days food is tasty and some days food is boring. Enjoy your day with your mum.

  2. We had to Google "kumara;" the biped loves sweet potatoes! :-)

    Tell your mum that she could get either a gel form or a compounded (stronger version) form of Mirtazapine, an appetite stimulant, from the vet (we hope you've found a new vet). Both are to be rubbed just inside the ear. I've given Derry Mirataz (the milder gel form) a couple of times now, just at a half-dose, and it's certainly worked for him. Takes about 4 hours to kick in, in his case. John Bellen uses the stronger, compounded form for Tucker, every other day. It's not something I'd want to be giving all the time unless truly necessary, but I did want something on hand after Derry got sick post-vet visit a few weeks ago. Alternatively, there are food toppers, like freeze dried chicken livers, that can be crumbled up and put on the Fancy Feast for added appeal.

    Be well, both of you! ♥

  3. Sweet Poppy you sound just like me. I no longer can eat a proper meal. Little and sometimes is what I call it. As for meals being boring... Oh my goodness be glad you pops don’t have to be gluten free. That is enough to put you off food. Do you have a craving Poppy ? My first darling cat couldn’t eat for days after being neutered. My dad would buy her fresh whitebait and feed them to her one by one. Ask Mum to give it a go. Now me... what I wouldn’t give for a Big Mac. I think I could eat it all at once 😀

  4. Some days neither my cat nor I are thrilled with what comes from the kitchen...I hope you and Mum have a sweet night.

  5. Poppy I don't eat all of my foods at one time too. I like to savor my foods in smaller servings.

  6. Sometimes kitties get pickier as they age. Binga did... Boodie didn't!

  7. I have to serve three of my cats partial meals now, because they don't eat everything I give them at once, as they used to. But I can't leave left-overs out, otherwise the new boy, Hector, will suck them back.
