Wednesday, June 15, 2022


 As I've got older, my world has got smaller.  Years ago i would climb on roofs and climb trees.  Now I'm happy go find a nice spot to climb on and snuggle up.  In the winter i don't spend a lot of time outside, maybe just a half hour if the sun comes out.


  1. I hope you enjoy your explorations in front of the sunny window there Poppy!

  2. Yeah, I pick my spots more carefully now too. I just want to be comfy.

  3. I see you finding some nice sunbeams there little Pops. A cosy place to tuck up & dream. xx

  4. I remember seeing you in those places, Poppy. As my cats age, I see the changes, too. Renn always uses the little staircases I have placed about the apartment now, and even Neville does. (Though so does my Hector, who's not yet two.) I feel such changes myself. I'm glad you have a wonderful, cosy home to live in as the years gather, Poppy.

  5. My cats are the same. They’re always just around the house. Bella especially will go out do what she needs to do. And then comes back in to her spot on the spare bed.
    Agatha has decided she loves it outside so she’s got a snuggly cat cave to sleep in
    We all get more homie as we get older.

  6. Winter is cozy time anyway, Poppy. Right?

  7. We remember seeing you walking on roofs and fences, Poppy. But inside and cozy is nice, too. XO

  8. We all take it easier as we get older, Poppy.
