Thursday, November 3, 2022


 Mum had one of those days yesterday that went better than expected.  She also got a couple of compliments, one where someone thought mum was significantly younger than she is and then at lunch, a colleague said her lunch looked the nicest.  Mum was surprised as it was just left over chicken, potato and peas.  Simple but tasty.

Today was mums day off,  she was tired as it had been a loud windy night and mum had a restless sleep.  She had a simple day, washing out on the line in the wind.  Library visit, groceries brought and chucken, veggie niodle dinner made. Now relaxing before bed - perfect.


  1. Compliments certainly brighten one's day, Poppy! One of the biped's regular bus drivers told her she looked "rough" yesterday, on the way home from a LONG staff meeting. LOL. NOT a compliment!!!! :-D

  2. Nice people paying attention to mum, that's lovely. Not just you noticing her qualities, Poppy.

  3. It is nice to be appreciated. I appreciate you both and coming here to read. Have a sweet night!

  4. I like days like that. I'm sure your mum DOES look younger.
