Tuesday, June 20, 2023


 I'm still keeping on.  The vet called on Monday afternoon to check up on us which was nice. Mum only cried once on the phone, poor vet, but they must be used to that.   Mum told her that I was stable and still wanting scritches and earning and drinking.    I wanted a fancy feast for breakfast and for dinner.  At first I didn't eat much of it, but went back for a few nibbles snd ate about half, which us pretty standard for me at the best of times.  

Thank you friends for reaching out, we appreciate your kind soft words and surrounding us with your love xoxo.


  1. I'm glad you're still holding your own, Poppy. Continued love and Light to you both. ♥♥

  2. You keep on for as long as you feel able, Poppy. Every day is a victory.

  3. That was thoughtful of the vet to check on you and your mum, Poppy. I am glad you are eating as that is very important for you, and also to make your mum happy. Love you Poppy!

  4. I think the Vet must certainly be used to that. It is so good that you are keeping on little Pops. And that Mum is keeping on too .... one foot in front of the other - some of us have four to move! 😉 Lots of love to you both xx

  5. We are so glad you continue to eat and drink and love on your Mama Poppy ! You aren't done yet !

  6. Taking one day at a time, Poppy and Mum.

  7. That is a very good cat doctor that you have Poppy. One who calls and checks on you and one who listens to your mum. You be sure to eat this much of your Feast as you can.

  8. You have a truly caring vet. Hang in there Poppy...

  9. st francis’ blessingz two ewe poppy Q. we haz knot been abe bull two vizit much,
    but still send best fishez two ewe, two day N everee day. pleez tell mum, sardines in
    water, can jump start yur app a tight, and, whatz knot ta like bout fishez rite! 💚💚💚💚

  10. Your vet sounds wonderful, Poppy. We are glad you and Mum are hanging in there. Continued love and purrs to you both. XO
