Monday, March 5, 2012


Mum is a bit tired today - it was a good day at work, but she stayed up a bit late last night watching tv and reading.  So really it is her fault.  So an early night is in order - for both  of us.  Mum records the Dr Oz show to watch later, and todays episode is about not sleeping.  Most of mums friends have trouble sleeping, mum feels sorry for them, as she is lucky, she can go to sleep really easily and can get a good eight solid hours every night.  Me, I can do 23 hours of sleeping each day - awesome.


  1. Great pic of you, Poppy. It is essential to gets lots of beauty rest. Glad to hear you and the Mom are getting yours.

  2. Enjoy your snoozing tonight Poppy Q!

  3. My human had insomnia for all her life until she started taking melatonin. Too bad she couldn't take lessons from us kitties.

  4. All that rest must be what's making you a sleeping beauty, Poppy!

    Mom Julie has trouble sometimes. As soon as her head hits the pillow, things start going through her head.
    We like Dr. Oz, too. Maybe we'll check out the show. He's on here late afternoon.

    Tom, Mom Julie & Mittens

  5. So far so good with my slwwping. I usually get a good 8 hours... the cats? Yeah, they get bunches more, too!

    LOVE your Queen of Quite a lot sign!

  6. You look pretty darned comfy there, Miss Poppy! :)

    We really like your sign ... it's purrfect.

  7. We think you are Queen of everything. Your mum is lucky to be able to sleep for 8 hours. If our mum stays up until 1.30 am, she can usually sleep until 6.00 - 6.30, but if she goes earlier she is tossing and turning all night trying to get to sleep.

  8. Your Mum is lucky! Our Mommy wakes up a couple of times every night and then she whines and disturbs US.

  9. We love your little framed sign, Poppy. But it should say Queen of Everything!
