Monday, December 10, 2012

Mr Sneaky the Midnight Biscuit Thief

Remember Mr Skinny the visitor cat?  Well last night mum heard a crunching of cat biscuits in our room.  But she knew I was asleep between her knees.  She had to wake me up, so I could chase Mr Sneaky off.  That is why mum had put the biscuit bowl in my room, cos she thought somebuddy was sneaking in for a nibble.

The plan tonight will be that once I have had my evening snack, the biscuits will be put away up high.  So no more midnight feasts for me or for Mr Sneaky.


  1. Mr Sneaky might be wanting to be friends with poppy Q and then move in..
    Love Leanne

  2. Naughty Mr Sneaky! He is quite cute though...

  3. Mr. Sneaky is quite the dashing fellow! Perhaps just a few crunchies won't be such a bother?

    Have a lovely day, ladies! And Mr. Sneaky. :)

  4. Oh, look at those splendid whiskers and that sweet face! Our mom thinks he's irresistible. She'd be leaving food out for him. LOL.

  5. A little food for a sweet faced visitor would totally be in the spirit of Christmas.
    What a beautiful kitty!

  6. He's a very handsome boy your Mr Sneaky!

  7. poppy....we think him wants a date !!


    love is in de air !!!!!

  8. We think Mr, Sneaky is Mr. Handsome! Poppy, are you sure you want to discourage him?

  9. Now that's sneaky - but clever, too. He must've been on the look-out for snacks...

  10. How can you say "no" to such a cute Mr. Sneaky?

  11. Mr Sneaky is also Mr Cheeky! Just comes on in your house!

  12. The lady says that Mr. Sneaky is awfully cute. He has that collar with the little bell. Are his people feeding him enough? Or,maybe he just wants a little late night snack.

  13. What a cute boy kitty! But how did he get into your room Poppy? Maybe you better have mom lock up the windows and doors or else someone bigger an meaner might get in!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku
