Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Snuggle Time

Cold here in the city, we'll need the electric blanket on again to keep us warm and toasty.  Summer is a bit chilly so far. 

 Big excitement - our new supermarket around the corner opens tomorrow!!  Mum says AWESOME, as they are her fave, and now will be a ten minute walk away from the house.  Is it sad that mum is excited?


  1. I think it's something my person would get excited about. Me, I'm with your about the electric blanket!

  2. It is not sad that your human is excited about the supermarket if they have some kitty things for you there, Poppy!

  3. Only a 10 minute walk for your Mum to stock up on your delicious Fancy Feast stinky goodness?

    Your Mum can now top up the essential supplies of it whenever is needed coz the new supermarket is also super-close to her work. Mind you, there are heaps of other shops on-route there to distract your Dear Mum too!!!

    Sending huggles and care to you both from me,(Michelle/Mickle/Zebby's human, together with muffled snores from Zeb (coz he's buried his nose in a fluffy scarf)

  4. I have been waiting forEVER for my favorite grocery store to be built... and it's still months away. Lucky you!!

    Have a warmer, lovely day, ladies!

  5. I get excited over low prices for cat food. I used to get excited about things that concerned me, not my cats. Sigh.

  6. It is exciting! Better pricing competition.

  7. It is not sad at all. Our neighbor hood store closed last year and we had to go farther to another one. Now Mom is all excited because another market opened in the old building!

  8. poppy Q...that IZ awesum coz now yur mum haz NOE eggs cuse for knot makin sure ewe haz food......24/7/365 plus mor days for that leep frog yeer thing !!! matter oh fact; send her ther now ta get ewe sum fancy feast :)

  9. Oh, the lady would be very excited if her favorite grocery store was that close.

    Electric blankets are great! Pre-warming the bed in chilly weather? Nothing beats that.

  10. Hmmmmm..warm bed without the bean being there, we must talk to Mom, MOL

    Mom says she'd be excited if a good grocery store was with in 10 minutes walk. There's a store, but definitely not her fave!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  11. Being able to walk to a good market is a dream come true! Actually being able to walk anywhere is a dream for us. Where you live sounds wonderful!
    It's our winter and it was 82F/ 27C today and will be warmer tomorrow. We think nature has gotten itself all mixed up.
